Experiences on a Mystics Journey

"Be the change you want to see in the world."


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Collaboration with Destiny

"One meets his destiny often on the road he takes to avoid it."
-French Proverb

"Ideals are like stars; you will not succeed in touching them with your hands. But like the seafaring man on the desert of waters, you choose them as your guides, and following them you will reach your destiny."
-Carl Schurz

Yesterday was a testimony to the humor of the universe.
My little sister had a birthday yesterday. I burned 2 cakes trying to make something wonderful for her, for she is wonderful. I cussed like a sailor. I stepped on the cat's already injured foot. I cried when a man offered to love and protect me. Oh how humbling this human experience is.

In his book "Your Sacred Self" Dr Wayne Dwyer writes this about the experience of becoming self aware:
"You will experience and enhance the meaningfulness of coincidences. You become aware that there are no accidents in this intelligent system. You realize that everything that shows up in your life has something to teach you. You appreciate everyone and everything in your life.
With increased awareness that there are no coincidences, you beginto rely on your sense that seemingly unconnected events have meaning. You even begin to create these situations as you need them. You start to know you are partner with fate rather than its victim. Ultimately you come to manage your coincidences and become fate's collaborator."
(Emphasis is mine.).

So we have a hand in our destiny. Our thoughts, which inspire our actions, influence our destiny. The rate at which we meet it. The ease with which we meet it. The ability to embrace it.
These are all midwifed into our lives by our choices.

Does Destiny exist? Yes.

Does The Universe, God or Holy Spirit offer us signs to help guide us to Destiny's birth in our lives? Absolutely.

Do we have the option to overlook the signs and stay committed to our distracting human agenda's? Freely.

Will we still meet with our Destiny if we try to avoid it? Yep, it will keep coming around until you get the message, and the more you resist it, the stronger the signs will become. Some people need a 2X4 to awaken to their destiny. Some need to fall into the same pothole over and over and over again before they gleen the message.

If we pay attention to the signs will we meet with our Destiny in a kinder, gentler embrace?
Without a doubt.

Our Destiny is to awaken to the signs. Our Destiny is to honor the signs. Our Destiny is to embrace our Magic. Our Destiny is to Become the Magic. With magic as the only needed weapon in our arsenal of Love, we remember that we are the creators and the creation. We are powerful in Love.

So why do we resist the ineveitable? Why is it so difficult to see what is before our very own eyes? Our perception and belief systems have been trained to allow failure thinking to override our Divine perception. Falure thinking has served us as a species. Urging us along spirits evolutionary outward spiral to embrace new ways of exploring and perceiving our physical and spiritual thrival at each spiral turn. We have been taught to readily accept the "bad stuff" about ourselves and overlook the good. Not only do we willingly believe the lies of our unworthiness, we allow ourselves to marinate in them. We invite the untruths to permeate every ounce of our being, so we can support the unkind belief system we are participating in. The opportunity to undo these thought paradigm's presents itself to us in every moment. Our innately Divine nature has the power to override all patterns that are without love. The moment we chose to embrace the divinity within ourselves, we surrender our painfilled agendas. There is no darkness in the Light. Light will always over power the dark. Stand in a lightfilled hall. Open the door to a darkened room. Does the darkness come pouring out, or does the light go streaming in? This is the key to infusing our nature with our own light.

"We have the choice between defining ourselves by holy concept or damaging definitions."
- Authors Margaret and David Hiller

"We sow our thoughts and reap our actions. We sow our actions and reap our habits. We sow our habits and reap our character. We sow our character and reap our Destiny."

So believe you are magic , and you will be. Tell yourself repeatedly:
The power of universal creation participates in my holiest dream and my holiest dream participates in the power of universal creation.

"It's in our moments of decision when our destiny is shaped."
-Anthony Robbins
May God and Legions of His Loving Angels touch our hearts and our eyes, so that we may see the signs, and the courage to honor them, so we may honor ourselves and God as He is a part of us.

Peace, Love and Laughter to you all,
P.S. Please pray for me. I am becoming smoke free this Saturday. New beginnings rock

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