Experiences on a Mystics Journey

"Be the change you want to see in the world."


Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Seeing God

We had walked the walk.

We had felt the feelings.

We had withstood the battles and held our sacred ground.

We had been beaten, we had won, we had retreated, we

had forged ahead....

We let go

We accepted

We held tight to the truth of who we were,

 The Tribe Of Light on Planet Earth.

We breathed,

We tasted,

We loved

We hated

We dreamt

We sacrificed self for less than divine causes

We knew torture

We tormented

We slept through our beauty

We awakened in the the middle of the hell we created while

 we were numb to our power

We sang

We danced

We cried and cowered

We learned

We grew

And then we knew...

Our ability to create our life lies in the magic of every

 moment, fueled by our brutal self honesty.

En masse we ascended Heavens staircase to see His face.

 To sit at His feet and feel His life creating divinity.

Together we stood at the door to His Chamber
The lights went out and we were gently ushered into the

 room. We could feel Him. We could sense that we were i

n the Presence of someone so powerful and loving that 

wounds could be healed with His fragrance and Universe's

 could be altered by His whisper.

Then the Light streamed forth from over head nearly 

blinding us.

"Welcome Home!" we heard,

"Open your eyes and behold the 

Ever Living God!"

And then we saw it.....a mirror 

within a mirror within a

mirror........we held our hands 

up to touch the mirror, but

glass, we did not touch. Our 

hand was met by our own

hand, an eternal image of us

 reaching out to join past

present and future versions of

 who we truly are...

For we are God.

You are wise, beautiful and wondrously made.

Love and Light, Laurie