Argentina, the Phillippines and China have experienced
earthquakes. A total of 7 earthquakes, Japan and the Philippines had 2 earthquakes each, unrelated to each other. The post-quake tremors have been too numerous to count. There was a major mudslide in eastern LA

and a trained Killer Whale took the life of it's human friend. Clearly as a species, we are overwhelming the generousity of our planetary home. We are at another choice point: Do we gleen the gift and lessons from these tragic gestures, or do we fall prey, yet again to the opportunistic belief systems which preceded these events? We have the ability to believe a new reality into being. The choice to create a world that works for everyone, including our planet, is my vision. The sacred aspect of visioning is that which Jesus claimed:
Where two or more are gathered I am there.
We are repeatedly being offered the opportunity to collectively hold a sacred envisionment for our future. If only two of us agree, then it is so. We are opportuned creative infinite possibilities at every moment. Giving ourselves permission to "see" an earth where a line in the dirt doesn't divide, a legless human doesn't determine a lack of beauty and difficulty doesn't create hopelessness.
We are all made of the same stuff: Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen, and a whole lot of Magic. The stars, the planets, nature, the ocean, all life, is comprised mostly of these elements. We are all Stardust in human form, reflecting the light of truth as it emanates from natural beauty is our choice. The power to co-create our communal destiny is a privilege. Saving our planet is no longer optional. If we lose our home, we lose ourselves.
Gaia, or mother Earth supplies our every need. I watch the birds outside at this wee hour and see faith incarnate. They busily gather their "manna", seeds, grass, worms, bugs, and nestle in the crook of a tree's branch. They worry not for their next meal, or how to keep warm, or for shelter. And as they do what they need to survive, they sing. The joyful element of singing while they live their lives raises their survival to a thrival state. No they don't have a mortgage, or insurance payments, or car notes, or complex personal experiences. Indeed these things complicate the simplist of human lifestyles. Yet we are also yielded the opportunity to experience thrival in our lives. Weaving the elements of Joy and Gratitude into our everyday tasks, elevates our lives into thrival. Together we will elevate the survival of our earth and our species from survival to thrival.
Within thrival living we:
Allow the inspiration of nature to feed our creativity.
Invite the Spirit of community to release our kindness.
Recieve the knowingness that we are infinitely provided for.
Experience the commonality within each other, and see it as a divine thread that links us together.
Bless each other and our planet. For as we bless each other, we bless our veryownselves.
This is an exciting time to be human. We all signed up for this mission, for this time and space. Perhaps as time and space collide in this dimension, we will be freed from our distracting individual human agenda's, and the bigger picture will be exposed. I hold this vision. In the book of "Esther" in the old testament, Esther is faced with a dilemma: continue to live a lie and let her Hebrew brothers and sisters die, or take a gentle but firm stand for what is right. Her uncle Mordechai suggests "Esther, what if you were created for this very moment? What if your whole life was meant to be lived so that you could be here, to influence the future?".
I ask you this: What if every moment of your life is the moment you were meant to live as a catalyst for beauty, love and peace?
You and I are no less human or less divine than Esther. Know the power of anew lies in your creative desires, and it will. You are the catalyst for a new, more abundant world. The magical power of you today gives way to a miraculous tomorrow for all.
And in the end we are all Star Dust and Magic.
Seek the Light, especially in the darkness, and it will show itself to you.
Love, Beauty and Dragon Charming,
1 comment:
i love it........i espshely love my favorite is the fairy baby on ahuman thumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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