Experiences on a Mystics Journey

"Be the change you want to see in the world."


Monday, March 8, 2010

My Boston T-shirt

When I was in 7th grade I fell in love with the music of "Boston"- the band. "More Than A Feelin'" was a way of life for me, and still to this day I know all the words to their albums. When my son was 12 in 1997, he and I went to see "Boston" in concert at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison, Colorado. It was a blast. It was his first concert, and the memory is still raw and real as if it just happened this morning. Daniel was shocked by the events that transpired at the concert. He couldn't believe that people were passing joints around and the police were standing just a few feet away. The lights, the sound, the energy had Daniel and I transfixed as we stood surrounded by 12 story high red rocks, with the rocky mountains just 1/8 of a mile behind us. It was hypnotic. We were in the moment, and the moment became us.

Today, I needed some inspiration so I wore the T-shirt I bought at the concert. I am holding Daniels T-shirt for him, some day he may cherish it. I have been challenged lately to let go of my attachment to playing down my light. I am one with God, and I should feel His splendor as it is part of the essence of me.
So I went be-bopping to Barnes & Noble rockin' my Boston t-shirt, feeling kinda groovy, windows down, the radio on. Then Boston's Don't Look Back started playing on the radio. It was a message, an offering of hope,

"I can see , it took so long just to realize
I'm much too strong not to compromise
Now I see what I am
is holding me down
I'll turn it around, Oh yes I WILL!!!....
It's a bright horizon and I'm awakened now.
Oh, I see myself in a brand new way.
.....Cuz I can't lose now there's no game to play...."

Upon cranking the engine to leave the book store, the radio started playing "Don't Look Back", again. I guess God thought I needed an exclamation point at the end of the message He was sending me.
"Laurie Be Awake! Turn your thoughts around, no longer be willing to compromise your Magnificence. Your Radiance Laurie is a reflection of ME! It is time to let Me, your God to Shine without restraint through you!" .
WOW! Thanks Old Friend for helping me remember.

I've realized lately that I have imprisoned my splendor, and I am the jailor who owns the key. Only I can set myself free.........I am worthy of freedom, I am worthy of splendor, I am worthy of the Abundance of God's good in my life.......these are my mantra's.
Yesterday I attended a talk given by Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda(PH for reference.). PH was a great yogi, speaker and author. And he loved Jesus. Wow! I would never have put those two together. But it's true. In his book "Autobiography of a Yogi" he recites the new testament. Apparently the message of loving one-another is timeless. Mr. Davis discussed meditation with us. It was a beautiful event. Meditation has become an integral part of my life, but I am not always still and postured while experiencing it. Many people get caught up in the "Am I doing it right?" mental net.
The greatest remembrance I've had about meditation is not to judge how we move through it, or how it moves through us. There is no right or wrong. It is an offering from our heart to commune with God/the Universe, and to be a vessel to carry the messages and memories in. Being fully present in any given moment is meditation. Jesus encourages us to pray without ceasing. Meditation without ceasing is mindfulness. It comes down to form vs content. An earnest heart will be opportuned the truth, when truth is sought after. Remembering to allow your humanity
to be part of the experience is essential. The head noise and imaging we experience while trying to meditate, may be messages or guidance, coming through when we are quieting our mind. Quieter than usual will often allow information to pass through. Ask to remember what you need to know, and ask to release all that is not needed.
Often I will wake up with an old school hymn in my head.
"I love you Lord, and I've heard Your voice, to worship You, oh my soul, rejoice!
Take pride my King, in what You hear, may it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear....."
It plays over and over in my head throughout the day, and it keeps the bliss of oneness at hand.

Form vs. Content. It's the content that attracts and maintains the extraordinary life that is yours to live. What we used to perceive as miraculous, is simply a choice to live your life in the truest expression of God's Good. For that is truly what He wishes for each of us.
May seeds of Light bloom at your feet.

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