It is interesting to experience physical pain. I really prefer to call it "intense physical sensation", ever hoping that by not judging it as good or bad I will give it permission to leave. And trust me, I have actually given it permission to leave, out-loud. I have had the experience of migraines which include intense physical sensation in my mid to upper back and neck, since 1992. I believe that anything that is not loving is a call for love. So, I understand that my body is talking to me.
I can hear Olivia Newton-John singing....."Let me hear your body talk....your body talk...". The language of our bodies is complex. Many sciences have spent hundreds of years associating energetic disruptions of our soul, heart and mind influencing physical illness. I have studied many of these mediums, and am yet to resolve this issue within my veryownself. When I experience physical pain, I feel very grounded, almost as grounded as road kill. Yeah, that close with the earth. Although suffering is referred to in the Bible often as something to be honored or even celebrated, it is usually when we suffer for the God within the Greater Good of our Collective Human Family, that the accolades come. I believe that when I suffer without known agenda, my ego is probably involved.
The ego likes things to remain the same. Challenging old belief systems rocks the stability of the egoic frame. This is how my body feels, like it has been shaken fiercely. I bless my ego, and see it embracing it's own truth.....the ability to let go and release into the flow of life. The major blessing of pain is the gift it holds in it's hands for me. The pain comes from within me;therefore, I have been a pain in my own neck.
I have been working through issues regarding my value. I challenge myself daily to embrace my thoughts, feelings and self-expression. The old mental tapes in my head repeating"You are not worthy, You are unloveable" need to be squashed, for their expiration date was sometime in 1984. Imagine eating something that is 26 years post expiration date. Yet that is what my ego likes to feed me( leggo my ego). Overcoming my ego's desire to keep me small and silent is a command in my life. I no longer can pretend that my ego's lies are truth. For the truth is like water, it always finds it's way to the surface....and when I am truly me....I am loved and loveable, valuable and valued, a joy to be around and joy-laden.
What you resist persists. I will not to resist this pain, yet I will to glean the lesson. The gift of my experiences with migraines has taught me to see beyond the judgement of the experience, and opportunity to practice just "being" with the experience. There must be a tremendous understanding gift within these migraine experiences, for they render me to my knees, and I surrender all.
One moment soon, I will come face to face with the lesson of these experiences. Then I will find myself Awakening With Wings every moment.
Listen to your body, for the physical song it sings is a love song to your heart, and a harkening from your soul to remember the truth of who you are.
With great love and Honor for You,
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