When I was 11 years old I heard John Denver sing for the first time. We, my family and I, were driving cross-country in our RV. From the coast of South Jersey to Glacier National Park in Montana. It was an interesting 5 weeks. It was as we were listening to the radio, that I heard him. And for the first time in my life I felt as if I was home. John sang about West Virginia, probably the greatest love story about WV in all of recorded history, that had nothing to do with in-breeding. As he invited country roads to take him home, I went for the ride. I have loved John Denver for 36 years. It wasn't his hot body, or the wild hair, or those trendy glasses. I fell in love with his soul, for it was clear to see and feel through his music and the passion in his voice. As a composer he was a psalmist, and declared publicly, adoration of the holiest aspect of living: falling in love with the life all around us. I bought every record I could afford and find. I bought sheet music, to sing and play along with him. His wisdom and insight attracted me on such a deep level, that at age 11 I first knew passion of the heart.I have lived in passion since that time. I feel so blessed to have met some of the worlds greatest humans. Often, these people seemed unimpressed with themselves, yet I saw the mighty magic within them. It has been a gift to my life to be able to see the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary. It makes me feel special. When I was younger, my passion was greatly influenced by my hormones. Although I honed some pretty fun habits back then which still influence me, now I seek the empassioned interest of falling in love with life with someone. Making Love can be an amazing, uplifting and divine interaction. But that is no longer my goal. I am looking for someone who will still be interesting after sex. For that is when the realness occcurs. The moments when the physical agenda has been satiated, and the heart's true mission comes forth. That is the genuine space I look forward to sharing with someone, for that is where the continual falling in love with the same someone occurs over and over and over again. This is where you can wield the charms of love and create space of true union.
I surrender. Bewitch me, oh enchanted love!
My life at this point is still evolving into the greatest Love Story ever told. I do believe I will find it, or it will find me, or Love will claim Us. I just haven't met my leading man yet. Even without this aspect of my life being fulfilled, I still live within passion's breathless embrace. Connecting with the beauty all around me, reminds me that everything is in right and perfect timing, and it's ok to trust Love to find me when the time is right.
Until then I will continue to be me. Unique, smart, creative, funny and oh-so self-conscious. For in my soul, I am just a girl looking for her own realness through the gift of being loved .
May you all know how really loved you are.
RE: "I am looking for someone who will still be interesting after sex. For that is when the realness occcurs."
You are so wise. "When the realness occurs", this should be the thing that leads back to sex instead of sex being the thing that makes something unfulfilling worth putting up with.
I love this and I love you. Thank you for allowing me to tread ever so lightly on your heart strings as you start this newest chapter in your life. If you look next to you, you will always see me cheering for you!
Love and light,
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