Hello World! Blessings to your day!
Yud Heh Vav Heh.
This is the Royal and powerful name of God. One of ten names of God. Humanity throughout history has called upon this being for assistance, help and power. He is the great I am that I am, or the I will be what I will be. We were created for divine connection, you could say we were wired for prayer and communion with the source from which we came. God created man in His image. This is stated in Genesis. As a part of the creators inspiration, we long for union with that which created us. Words, hearts and souls have longed for a connection, some of us find it easier to dismiss this need as an emotional crutch to tolerate our human experience. Others of us know of this Presence, but live devoid of the connection to it. Still, others, yearn for the depth of oneness with the One who originated creativity.
If you have ever expressed yourself creatively, you will understand the amount of love or richness of Spirit that influences your creation. As humans we were created out of God's Love. Our earth was created out of God's love for us, as the classroom for learning, understanding and integrating our human life experiences. The earth is as divine a creation as we are, for it came from God's love. Gaia, or mother earth, lives and breathes. She moves, and dances in harmony to the rhythms of our communal living. She is malleable, and we influence her movement. At times she subtlely responds, at other times her response is cummulatively expressed.
The world of matter around us is God's love expressed for us. We took the raw materials of love from this planet, and created our world. Once we discovered that we could indeed accomplish something, we often did not use discernment to understand if we should achieve it. Just because we can do something does not innately imply that we should. This discernment is the difference between experience and wisdom.
God is within and around us at all times. As God has been and always will be, He has been the sacred observer and participant in all that has ever been, and all that ever will be. Through our intrinsic connection and oneness with God, we are wired for access to all that has been and all that will ever be. We need not search out God, truth or the future, we need only to remember it.
The truth has always been there. The Garden of Eden veil that we are separate from God is the only thing that impede's our ability to remember truth. The veil is an illusion. We cannot be separated from God as we cannot separate the waves from the ocean, or the dark from the night, or the light from the day. God wills us into oneness, and only He can end that contract.
It is often that I am humbled by the magnificence of God's love for me. My heart is filled with gratitude and the psalmist in my soul echoes His praises.
I see a world where we choose to remember our unity in Yud Heh Vav Heh. I live in a world where the infinite loving options for a rich and glorious future exist in every moment because of Yud Heh Vav Heh. I embrace a now overflowing with the abundant inheritance from my creator Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, I am that I am.
Embrace the limitless possibilities of loving reality within you, and you will lose the word struggle from your language.
Peace to your hearts, and to the hearts of all those you love.
Yud Heh Vav Heh.
This is the Royal and powerful name of God. One of ten names of God. Humanity throughout history has called upon this being for assistance, help and power. He is the great I am that I am, or the I will be what I will be. We were created for divine connection, you could say we were wired for prayer and communion with the source from which we came. God created man in His image. This is stated in Genesis. As a part of the creators inspiration, we long for union with that which created us. Words, hearts and souls have longed for a connection, some of us find it easier to dismiss this need as an emotional crutch to tolerate our human experience. Others of us know of this Presence, but live devoid of the connection to it. Still, others, yearn for the depth of oneness with the One who originated creativity.
If you have ever expressed yourself creatively, you will understand the amount of love or richness of Spirit that influences your creation. As humans we were created out of God's Love. Our earth was created out of God's love for us, as the classroom for learning, understanding and integrating our human life experiences. The earth is as divine a creation as we are, for it came from God's love. Gaia, or mother earth, lives and breathes. She moves, and dances in harmony to the rhythms of our communal living. She is malleable, and we influence her movement. At times she subtlely responds, at other times her response is cummulatively expressed.
The world of matter around us is God's love expressed for us. We took the raw materials of love from this planet, and created our world. Once we discovered that we could indeed accomplish something, we often did not use discernment to understand if we should achieve it. Just because we can do something does not innately imply that we should. This discernment is the difference between experience and wisdom.
God is within and around us at all times. As God has been and always will be, He has been the sacred observer and participant in all that has ever been, and all that ever will be. Through our intrinsic connection and oneness with God, we are wired for access to all that has been and all that will ever be. We need not search out God, truth or the future, we need only to remember it.
The truth has always been there. The Garden of Eden veil that we are separate from God is the only thing that impede's our ability to remember truth. The veil is an illusion. We cannot be separated from God as we cannot separate the waves from the ocean, or the dark from the night, or the light from the day. God wills us into oneness, and only He can end that contract.
It is often that I am humbled by the magnificence of God's love for me. My heart is filled with gratitude and the psalmist in my soul echoes His praises.
I see a world where we choose to remember our unity in Yud Heh Vav Heh. I live in a world where the infinite loving options for a rich and glorious future exist in every moment because of Yud Heh Vav Heh. I embrace a now overflowing with the abundant inheritance from my creator Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, I am that I am.
Embrace the limitless possibilities of loving reality within you, and you will lose the word struggle from your language.
Peace to your hearts, and to the hearts of all those you love.
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