Hello Everyone!
I've perfected my anti-gravity boots and have been visiting kingdoms afar. As soon as I get the second pair working you will be a welcomed companion on these adventures.
As I had written Side Effects as one of my first public diary entries on this site, I have had the opportunity to see it more clearly in my life. Thank God, that I have learned how to integrate lessons from others life experiences around me. I do not always succeed, but this was one time that I did.
A few weeks ago I learned that an old friend of mine was going to become a grandfather. His 18 year old daughter will be having a baby a few months after graduating high school. We had spent a great deal of time together, my friend, his daughter and me. If we had cemented our friendship into something greater, I would be becoming a g-mother this fall. I cannot even write the word, because I am in such fierce denial of my chronological age. Grandparents are old people, and in no way do I see myself as "one of them". Alas, I digress.
I started thinking about their family, and how this young ladies sisters(3 of them) had all had babies just months after highschool. Their mother also, had her first baby just months after high school graduation. At first I thought of the term "generational curse". Then I realized that what seemed to be a unspoken permission passed on from parent to children, was actually a thought system. My friend is a great man, but is still working on mastering his ability to wield love in the face of his own anger. I do not blame anyone in what may seem my judgement of this circumstance, there but for the Grace of God go I. But, the realization that we pass on our thought patterns to our children, was so great a lesson, that I felt I needed to share it with you all.
I can only tell you my experiences, and how this circumstance played out in my life. I learned at a very young age to accept less than loving behavior from men. I practiced tolerating abuse, and learned to believe that I was worth nothing more. Love, was a physical act...played out in the physical act of sex. Love with men was something I bartered for with sex. Unfortunately, for many years of my life, I thought sex meant love.
In my 30's I realized that I was a role model for my children. They were going to aspire toward my ideals, and would also learn to tolerate what I taught them was appropriate. It was at this time that I realized I needed to get un-married(traditionally called divorced). I had a son and two daughters who I could not bear to see live void of true love in their lives, yet that was exactly what I was teaching them. That is what I had been taught. I made a firm stand, that the generational curse of tolerating anything less than respectful and loving would come to a bitter halt with me. The buck stopped there. I made a choice to believe that there was a loving, respectful and joyous relationship out there waiting for me, and I was intent on finding it. Not just for me, but as an opportunity to actually BE a good role model for my children, so they could see through my life that each of them is worth honor, magic and enchantment in their own relationships.
Have I achieved my goal?
Not yet. I have gotten really good at weeding out those who have a less than loving agenda with me though. I raised my own standard, and the Universe/God will meet it. This I trust implicitly.
For we get what we expect.
This is the essence of this entry. If we expect crumbs in a relationship, then that is all we will get. If we expect to have a relationship that is barely tolerable then that is what we will manifest. If we see our mate as our enemy, than this is the oppositional type person we will attract. The side effects of having a low standard, or none at all, is that we will get something of little or no value at all in a relationship. The side effects not only affect our lives, but they affect the lives of those who see us as role models: our children, our friends, our families. We have the choice eveery second to think and believe grand and glorious things for ourselves. Things that at this moment we may not even feel worthy of. If we give ourselves permission to go beyond our own mental borders, we will find a magical world of possibility where our truth actually lives. We are the authors and lead roles in the story of our lives. Why not make it glorious? We will only lose our limited thinking, and gain a universe of possibility.
Taking the first step into creating a life full of the extraordinary can be really hard mentally. We have believed for so long that we are not magic, nor are we powerful or magnificent. The time of playing small is over. We are Magic. We are Powerful, beyond measure. And we are more magnificent than the brilliance of a million stars in the night.
Fighting the old thoughts that kept us playing the supporting roles in our life's movie, cannot be dismantled with fear. They are a harkening from within our very own hearts for love. Bless your thoughts, and your thoughts will bless you. It is a guarantee.
We can continue to give others permission to be insignificant and unworthy, or our lives can be a testimony of courage, faith and Love........and the greatest of these is Love.
Stand Tall, Proclaim Yourself as Worthy to the World and Universe, and the World and the Universe will echo your beliefs into your reality.
With Great Love,
I've perfected my anti-gravity boots and have been visiting kingdoms afar. As soon as I get the second pair working you will be a welcomed companion on these adventures.
As I had written Side Effects as one of my first public diary entries on this site, I have had the opportunity to see it more clearly in my life. Thank God, that I have learned how to integrate lessons from others life experiences around me. I do not always succeed, but this was one time that I did.
A few weeks ago I learned that an old friend of mine was going to become a grandfather. His 18 year old daughter will be having a baby a few months after graduating high school. We had spent a great deal of time together, my friend, his daughter and me. If we had cemented our friendship into something greater, I would be becoming a g-mother this fall. I cannot even write the word, because I am in such fierce denial of my chronological age. Grandparents are old people, and in no way do I see myself as "one of them". Alas, I digress.
I started thinking about their family, and how this young ladies sisters(3 of them) had all had babies just months after highschool. Their mother also, had her first baby just months after high school graduation. At first I thought of the term "generational curse". Then I realized that what seemed to be a unspoken permission passed on from parent to children, was actually a thought system. My friend is a great man, but is still working on mastering his ability to wield love in the face of his own anger. I do not blame anyone in what may seem my judgement of this circumstance, there but for the Grace of God go I. But, the realization that we pass on our thought patterns to our children, was so great a lesson, that I felt I needed to share it with you all.
I can only tell you my experiences, and how this circumstance played out in my life. I learned at a very young age to accept less than loving behavior from men. I practiced tolerating abuse, and learned to believe that I was worth nothing more. Love, was a physical act...played out in the physical act of sex. Love with men was something I bartered for with sex. Unfortunately, for many years of my life, I thought sex meant love.
In my 30's I realized that I was a role model for my children. They were going to aspire toward my ideals, and would also learn to tolerate what I taught them was appropriate. It was at this time that I realized I needed to get un-married(traditionally called divorced). I had a son and two daughters who I could not bear to see live void of true love in their lives, yet that was exactly what I was teaching them. That is what I had been taught. I made a firm stand, that the generational curse of tolerating anything less than respectful and loving would come to a bitter halt with me. The buck stopped there. I made a choice to believe that there was a loving, respectful and joyous relationship out there waiting for me, and I was intent on finding it. Not just for me, but as an opportunity to actually BE a good role model for my children, so they could see through my life that each of them is worth honor, magic and enchantment in their own relationships.
Have I achieved my goal?
Not yet. I have gotten really good at weeding out those who have a less than loving agenda with me though. I raised my own standard, and the Universe/God will meet it. This I trust implicitly.
For we get what we expect.
This is the essence of this entry. If we expect crumbs in a relationship, then that is all we will get. If we expect to have a relationship that is barely tolerable then that is what we will manifest. If we see our mate as our enemy, than this is the oppositional type person we will attract. The side effects of having a low standard, or none at all, is that we will get something of little or no value at all in a relationship. The side effects not only affect our lives, but they affect the lives of those who see us as role models: our children, our friends, our families. We have the choice eveery second to think and believe grand and glorious things for ourselves. Things that at this moment we may not even feel worthy of. If we give ourselves permission to go beyond our own mental borders, we will find a magical world of possibility where our truth actually lives. We are the authors and lead roles in the story of our lives. Why not make it glorious? We will only lose our limited thinking, and gain a universe of possibility.
Taking the first step into creating a life full of the extraordinary can be really hard mentally. We have believed for so long that we are not magic, nor are we powerful or magnificent. The time of playing small is over. We are Magic. We are Powerful, beyond measure. And we are more magnificent than the brilliance of a million stars in the night.
Fighting the old thoughts that kept us playing the supporting roles in our life's movie, cannot be dismantled with fear. They are a harkening from within our very own hearts for love. Bless your thoughts, and your thoughts will bless you. It is a guarantee.
We can continue to give others permission to be insignificant and unworthy, or our lives can be a testimony of courage, faith and Love........and the greatest of these is Love.
Stand Tall, Proclaim Yourself as Worthy to the World and Universe, and the World and the Universe will echo your beliefs into your reality.
With Great Love,
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