This is Sarah. I called her Peaches for most of her life. She is my oldest daughter, and tomorrow she is leaving the nest. Sarah is one of the three most creative and beautiful things I've contributed to this world, the other two are Natalie and Daniel. The launch of Sarah toward the outer moons of Jupiter will be less than 24 hours from now. I taught my children to always shoot for the moon, that way if they fell short they would still land among the stars. Sarah will be her own planet and will live among the stars. It has been an emotionally laden week for me, accepting this beautiful child as a Woman. But, accepting her into the realm of Wise and Mystical Women, I have done.
Gone are the days of Oreo crumbs on a toothless Sarah face (until she is in her 90's). Gone are the milk filled cereal bowls that laden the counter after a mad dash to class and then work. Gone are the moments of seeing her awaken smiling and energetic and ready for the day(unless she spent nearly 7 hours the day before trying to get a hitch for a trailer on her car).
It is easy to get mired down in the illusion of what I am losing. Having Children fulfills the old adage "Act Locally, Think Globally." It is now time to pay homage to the second thought in that phrase.
Dear Father God, Earth Mother,brothers, sisters and the entire Heavenly Realm,
Bless my daughter Sarah.
May she always know her Value through her virtue.
May she always know her Power through living the Truth.
May she always know Love through the abundant kindness of family, friends and strangers.
May she always know Peace through her Faith in God's Outrageously Loving plan for her life.
May she always know Abundance through her ability to receive God's good.
May she always know Creativity through her expression of Spirit.
May you be with her always and in all ways.
I release her into Your loving hands, and I thank you for the Gift of Sarah.
I have been honored to be her mother, and now I am honored to be her friend.
With great love and gratitude,
When Sarah was 10 years old she entered a poetry contest. It was a bold move for such a quiet little girl. Little did I know, that in her stillness a great depth was being created.
When My Imagination
When my imagination takes me by the mind,
It leads me off
so far,
so fast,
My body's left behind.
It is there that I am most myself,
Lost in a wish and dream,
And coming back I realize,
I'm more than I might seem.
-Sarah M-V age 10, 1999
Indeed, Sarah, you are far more than I ever imagined.
Create the living art of your life with your dreams, Sweetie.
I am always here when you need or want me.
May God and Legions upon Legions upon Legions of His loving angels guard and guide you in all things.
Love You with All My Heart Peaches,
A little gift to help you remember:
You are so eloquent. May all daughters and sons be blessed with someone like you in their lives.
Thanks Joel. You honor me.
I have always done my very best as a parent, and often, it was not the version of best that my children needed. I had no idea how to be a mother or a mommy, but I did know how to relate to my children as people. Human to human. They learned to nurture each other and themselves, since their dad had a head injury and he had his own challenges. I worked 40-60 or more hours a week, and often spent more time with the children I cared for at the hospital than I did with my own children. We all grew, as we were supposed to for it. It has been humbling and exciting. The house is so quiet.....Sarah has gone, and Natalie went with her for the drive to FL.
It's like a beautiful tree. Given space, nourishment and Light we flourish. This is the next phase in my life.
Thank You So.
Love and Light,
OK so now I can cry. I've spent three days with Cheyenne who has cried every time she thought of your beautiful Sarah. I love you and I love Sarah. The planet is so blessed to have you all among it's inhabitants and I am so grateful that the tapestry of my life now has threads intertwined with yours and Sarah.
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