Experiences on a Mystics Journey

"Be the change you want to see in the world."


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Playground Etiquette

Hi Friends!

Midweek has struck and I am not so quietly reminded the value of playtime. As an adult, responsibility and obligation often replace our youthful agenda of joy. Having been an RN for 25 years has taught me a great deal about the difference between children and adults. Children have not had the will to live beat out of them by life. Adults surrender their will to live along with their desire to hang upside down from the monkey bars.

The monkey bars were always the most difficult adventure for me on the playground. We are taught as children that the things we work the hardest for are the very things we cherish the most. I loved having the strength to get my legs and butt up over my head so that I could hang from my knees. The view of the world was different with my shirt in my face. Everything took on a carnival-like dimension upside-down. The perspective was different and I cherished it. I have come to the awareness that hard work and strife are not always the precursors to reward. We are worthy of God's Universal abundance because we are His creation.

I was thinking about the infinite Creative Nature of God. I imagined God as He/She created the Universe. As an artist, I understand the joy He must have felt. Creativity expressed yields more creativity. Creative Expression is Joy Manifest. In the beginning God made heaven and earth. And He saw that it was good. He must've gotten into a really creative groove, because He kept on creating right down to the very essence of the very atoms that combine to become each one of us. He loved long and hard, and expressed His Spirit in the masterful series of microscopic events that make our lives a sacred destiny. He continues to create to this very day, and He seeks our companionship and thoughts to influence His continual creation. God is, always has been, always will be. God lives in all that is. So the God that was present at the initial creative burst, as accounted in Genesis, is the God which resides within me. It is the same God which makes up all parts of me. Therefore, the most real and creative aspects of myself were present at the Genesis. I am the creator and the creation. The Earth was given as a playground of love, and mystery. Joy is the etiquette on our earth home's playground. God is quite playful and adventurous , as you can tell by the stories told in the Bible, and just by listening to the stories we tell each other. We live on playground Earth. The charm of playfulness should be registered as one of our most precious commodities. We choose every moment as to how much we are willing to embrace this priceless opportunity. Shall I fly a kite, or update my resume? Shall I buy ribbons for my hair or staples? Shall I laugh at my own jokes, or pretend I don't see creations magnificence in my humanity?

Always choose the joyfilled path. It will reliably lead you Home.
Blow bubbles, wish on a star, see your beauty.
With great Love,

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