Experiences on a Mystics Journey

"Be the change you want to see in the world."


Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Winter's Inheritance

Howdy ya'all!
I hope this note finds you happy and prosperous.

There is a small section on this page which has information "about me" on it. I share my love of trees in that area. I have always been amazed with the thrival of tree's during winter's chill. This year it has gone way past chill into frigid. The tree's lose their leaves in Autumn, appearing skeleton-like and lifeless until Spring. As the weather warms, the tree's become obviously abundant with life. The new buds and limb growth seem effortless as they are bathed in sunlight and warmth. Perceiving the life of a tree in winter requires imagination. The tree is sustained through the cold and sun-challenged times. Sap still flows, and the greatest testimony of the life remaining in the tree is underground. The roots are what keep it alive. Often in our lives it is easier to see the joy in life when things are going as we desire them to go. It is during the times when life seems it's bleakest that we must receive the flow of joy into our experiences. Sometimes it takes a great deal of imagination to find the joy so that we can see it. The tree's know they are cared for, they simply receive during the harshest and most challenging times of the year. So it is for us humans, when we learn to let go and allow. It is our divine birthright to thrive through the seemingly desolate periods of our lives, and even prosper.

When I think about inheritance, I used to always think of death. In our society, traditionally, we get an inheritance after someone dies. This has not always been the norm globally. In the old and new testament, many young people received their inheritance while their parents were still living. A living inheritance so to speak. This is a part of our divine birthright as children of the everliving God. We need not wait until death or difficulty challenges us, to embrace and own what is destined as our very own. We are free to claim it's abundance, health and well-being with every breath. It is through our choice, and then our thoughts that we take ownership of the universal inheritance which is ours.
Imagine that there is a cosmic bank account in our individual names, which is constantly being filled with infinite abundance. Abundance in health, abundance in money, abundance in love, abundance in peace, abundance in joy, abundance in playfulness, abundance in time. Now realize that it exists in all ways, including our imagination. Our imagination is only the key to help us understand it's presence. We hold the bank account access cards in our hearts. We can use it as often as we choose, and it will remain overflowing with what we need and must have. In this account there is always more than enough. We only need to see ourselves as worthy, and we are.
Nature proves that prospering even in the illusion of lack is not only possible but is mandated by the greatest and most loving power in the universe. When we expect little we get little. When we expect "just enough to get by" that's all we get. When we expect to be spoiled in every which way possible as a child of the King, then that is the abundance we experience. If God is a king and we are his children, doesn't that make us all royal prince's and princesses? Get out your tiarra's and wear them proudly!

We can claim winter's inheritance, and see it manifest before our eyes every moment of our lives. It is our option, and it is just a belief away.

Be Resplendantly You!
Love, Truth and Harmony,

Please Watch- www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzPqJA-Hkd4

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Laurie, your writing is like a drop of energy falling into a pond of humanity and the ripple that is produced spreads joy to those who can feel it. Thank you for caring enough to share.