Experiences on a Mystics Journey

"Be the change you want to see in the world."


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Danger of Kindness

This is a tough topic for me. For the words I've combined in the title seem out of character with each other. I often state that we as a human-beings within a global community need to be kinder to each other. I am actively changing this mantra as I write this. We need to be kinder to ourselves. This is sometimes not easily accomplished, for it includes us being honest with our veryownselves.

We get lost in the way things appear. The way we appear. The way our life appears. We want to appear "kind", but the appearance of kindness is different than being kind from a genuinely kind place we have established within our heart. My mother has told me many times "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." Honestly I never liked that phrase. For me, loving intention drove me far into my well-honed co-dependence. I could not fathom that my "well-intended" behaviors were going to land me smack dab in the middle of hell. My actions although altruistic on the surface, were guided by the illusion that everyone else's opinion of me was what defined me. My spouse's opinion, my parents' opinion, my children's opinion, my friend's opinion, my minister's opinion, my neighbor's opinion, my co-worker's opinion, my family's opinion, my pharmacist's opinion, my....................And I indeed had not only whittled my way into my very own hell, I bought land and built a house there. My own personal hell as determined by whether someone else thought I was worthy that day. When your validity and value relies ONLY on the value and validity offered to you by others, it is a frail structure to depend on. Reliably, when you disappoint or let down the person who defines your worth, your value and validity exit with that person as they leave your life. I had to see myself in all my mis-beauty and still learn to trust that:

1). I am committed to becoming the best, most honest and true version of myself, and I will absoluetly embrace it, no matter how magnificent or fragile it may be.

2). I am committed to living within and through integrity, no matter how challenging it may be for me, and how blessed it may be to the world. I will say yes when I truly mean yes, and I will say no when I truly mean no. The only thing that will drive those statements is Shakespeare's advice "To Thine Own Self Be True,". If I can't be honestly "TRUE" to myself how can I ever honor Jesus's advice to be "true" to my neighbor?

3). I will always be honest with myself, no matter how frightened I feel. God is always with me, God is always for me,who then can be against me? NO ONE BUT ME, and that is only possible when I try to separate myself from God! The God within everything conspires in His own favor, for the good of ALL at all times. I am an extension of God, (Psalm 37:4)" Trust in Lord and do good;[I think he means good from within the most honest expression of your you-ness]Dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight yourself in the Lord and He will Give You The Desires Of Your Heart." God's presence within me and in my living of my life guarantee that only good will come from this honesty with myself. Just because we've been pretending that this less than pretty aspect of ourselves isn't really there, doesn't meant the rest of the world can't see it. HA! The only person we end up even remotely fooling is ourselves.

4). I will only take Myself personally. What I say about and to myself matters. What thoughts I fuel my mind with matter. What physical challenges I afford myself matter. What I am willing to bring into a friendship or more intimate relationship matters. What I contribute to the optional betterment of my brothers and sisters in living matters. What I do, think, say, feel, experience, understand, realize, intuit and manifest matters to me. Everybody else's opinion is optional and is only valued by me upon request.

5). If I choose to wallow in misery for a day or two I give myself permission and literary license to be dramatic, and over-the-top funny. A day or two of wearing my sadness as an elaborate "Feel sorry for me" crown, helps me to see when others are wearing their own version of that crown.

6). I am present every second of every minute of every day for Spirit's guidance. I offer my physical and spiritual eyes, ears, touch and mind to the Holy Spirit's presence and God's commands for Me in My life.

7). I will honor, respect and be non-interferring to others as they walk Their Journey. It is not my place to guide them, unless asked, and even then be a minimalist. The soul's learning through living as a human is based upon it's experience. As much as I feel I have to teach, someone must reach out for an answer that I have before I am given their souls permission to teach it. Why throw good seeds on soil that is not ready to be part of something growing? Allow each to be. It is their Divine Birthright.

8). Punish myself only once for each mistake I make. Put an end to celebratory rituals honoring the pain I've caused myself and others. Pain is only a cry from somewhere within me to remember that it is loved and not separated from God. It would be cruel to hurt or provoke an injured or pained aspect of another being, and why would it be any less cruel to wield this kind of malice to myself? No More. I forgive myself for not knowing what I didn't know, for doing only what I knew to be the best in every situation, and not being able to know everybodies emotionally tender spots at all times. I have repeatedly fallen short. I will continue to be human for as long as I am alive, and that will include making mistakes. Pre-emptively I am sorry. I promise I will always do my very best with you. Which starts with doing my doing my very best for me.

9). I will remember that when and how I judge others is only a reflection of when and how I judge myself. If I am driven by anger towards others than I am driven by anger towards myself. How can I spread peace if I don't actively forgive myself and allow acceptance to bloom in the garden of my life? If I am angry with others, I will remember that I have tried, judged and sentenced myself first, and the sentence given is usually life-robbing. NO More life robbing self-punishment. Life enhancing support and compassion is a much wiser choice.

I don't need you to define me. I Seek You out for you to See Me.

Acting out of wanting to appear kind, leads us to saying yes when we mean no, and ignoring issues that are standing upright and waving at us in front of our eyes. Saying yes to something that we are truly uncomfortable with, is self-betrayal. The collateral damage we cause, is that the people around us believe something about us that isn't true. Hearts, others and our own, can be bruised by this act. Be genuine with yourself, and then know that being genuine with those around you is the best you can do. Jesus said "the truth will set you free." He didn't guarantee it would make you happy (Thank you Joel!). But wouldn't you rather be genuinely told no, then to later on find out that the person said yes but didn't mean it? I would.

Oh how tricky communication can seem. Having the courage and willingness to be honest with ourselves is the first ingredient in being courageously honest with each other. And this is not permission to be flat-out cruel to ourselves or each other. If we know self-kindness, we can wield our truth with others laden in love. If we know self-truth, we can wield our kindness towards others with no collateral damage.

"Know yourself and you will know God."
-Bob (Marley)

I See You, and you are magnificent radiant beings of Light, and you have Wings.

Let's fly..............................

Monday, March 29, 2010

Embracing Impossible Notions

Good Evening My Friends!

It is unusual for me to write at this hour. The muse has not so gently landed on my shoulder, and urges me to write. Honored, I submit.

Just about every parent of a 3 year old will admit that the question "why?" has become the bane of their existance. At the age of 2, 3, 4 and often older, children are one with their magical thinking. The time in their lives when everything is new, and anything, yes anything is possible. They cannot understand why the grown-ups in their lives can't see the possibility of grown-up impossible notions. I think I got stuck at this level of wonderment, for everything to me is infinitely possible and real.

"Mommy can I bring the dirt and seeds inside and sleep with them? I don't want the seeds to get lonely."
Dreading the thought of cleaning that mess up, she replies without hesitation, "NO."
"It will make a big mess that mommy will have to clean up in the morning."
"Because we can't have dirt in our beds."
"Because it's not normal, and the carpet and sheets will then have to be cleaned."
"Because Grandma is coming this weekend and I already have to clean the rest of the house, and I can't do it all myself!"

For a brief time they know the wisdom of questioning the answers.

As time unfolds, our children stop asking why, and surrender to the agenda of "normal" . Parenting is the toughest of gifts. Being in the moment with our children is sometimes less preferable to having your fingernails removed. But before you know it, the opportunity to be present as this person emerges into the world, is gone. It often feels easier to be dismissive when they ask the seemingly impossible of you. Reading another book, when you have no clean underwear for work tomorrow, dinner dishes are still in the sink, it's 8:45 p.m. and you've been up since 5 a.m.. It all starts to blend into one overwhelming experience, and then before you've had adequate time to complain, they are gone, and there is no one to complain to or about. Except yourself. And as for me, I have heard my long tortured story

Alice comments repeatedly that her father often had 6 impossible thoughts before breakfast. Oh how that man's willingness to embrace magic charmed his daughter. Not only was Alice charmed, but she learned to embrace impossible notions. She learned to ask questions, and to expect answers, even if she had to find them out for herself. The gift of embracing impossible notions is very underrated. As a societal adult whole, we have learned to embrace answers, any answers, even if they are answers that are joy-robbing and mental border enforcing. How blessed to be a person who answers questions for the others. How magical to be the person who questions the answers of their own lives.

We surrender our magic with our desire to play hop-scotch and share our peanut-butter-and jelly sandwiches with the squirrels. How sad to witness the willing surrender of joy in someone we love.

Many times in my life I have had the honor of witnessing people standing on the edge of their lives, wanting desperately to take flight. I have gently tapped them on the shoulder and pointed to their backs. Shocked, they find that they have wings, and can fly past the edge of the abyss that had kept them imprisoned in their limited agenda's. But they have never flown. And how does one care for wings if one has them? And what if the wings fail, and falling ensues, and what if they aren't really deserving of being magic afterall?

Most times it has been easier for these people to deny their magical, and powerful wings, and go trodding back to the agenda's from which they were fleeing. I watch with a tear in my eye, smile understandingly at their choice, flutter my wings above the edge and remain in hope as they walk away.

I believe that it won't always be this way. I believe that courage is tough, and embracing impossible notions about ourselves is even tougher. The price we pay in mustering our fearlessness and living extraordinary and brave lives is rewarded with true Joy, incredible self-knowledge and empowerment.

The minute we stop questioning the answers, is the minute we choose normal over extraordinary. For me there is no option. I continue to question the answers, and find life to be an adventure filled with joy-filled sorrow, and love-filled aloneness. The sky is the limit, and there is no sky. The enchanted life and world I live in is worth it.

Believing the impossible into possibility is your destiny.
I invite each of you to question your answers, and continue to embrace at least 6 impossible notions before breakfast. Shouldn't that be life's most essential RDA?

Surrender your enslavement to what you think you should be, and embrace the beautiful magic of what you dream to be. Miracles happen when you fearlessly take flight!

Much Love,

Sunday, March 28, 2010

...on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Hello. Today we are talking about the caterpillar experience.

The Butterfly- Oh the accolades it receives and indeed has earned. It is a beautiful testimony of faith and change within the beingness of who we truly are. There would be no butterflies without the caterpillar experience.

The caterpillar lives it's life earthbound, it has at least 3 sets of legs and 3 sets of claws, depending on the variety. Each caterpillar molts, or loses it's previous skin 5 times, each time called a star. The fifth star caterpillar is about 55 days old and is now ready to conquer Cocoon Building 101. Having 6 legs and 6 grasping pincher claws must keep the caterpillar feeling absolutely dependent on solid footing. As I watch the caterpillar move about, it's supple body seems to hug the surface on which it walks so closely. Often it seems to become one with the surface it is holding onto. Every morning it wakes up to it's new caterpillar day. It stretches it's six or more legs and yawns, searching with it's eyes for it's first meal of the day. It moves and learns and becomes, knowing only it's caterpillarness, and that is enough.

At the end of it's caterpillar life it goes to rest in a cocoon. It then becomes a chrysalis. Having faith that the elements and other life around it will secure it's safety, the caterpillar let's go into the process of metamorphosis and surrender's it's entire identity. It has been proven at Georgetown University that moths and butterflies retain memories created during their lifetime as a caterpillar or larvae(see link at end of post-quite interesting). I call it pre-morphic memory. The amazing aspect of this memory is the fact that during the chrysalis experience the caterpillar's ENTIRE
body turns to liquid, and slowly Imaginol cells (true name-google it!) convince the caterpillar soup to become something different. I find it amazing how the power of imaginol-ing is what drives this little creature to embrace it's true beauty. The imaginol cells differentiate into butterfly eyes, butterfly wings, butterfly legs, butterfly appetite, but the caterpillar memory reconstructs within the butterfly. I can only imagine the shock of emerging from this dark and safe space which I entered earthbound, and now find myself leaving able to reach heaven with wings. If we could capture the butterfly's ability to integrate it's new power, we as humans, could indeed bring Heaven to Earth.

On our spiritual path the allegory of the butterfly is often used in reference to our being born again, as in the Christian Spiritual movement. Perhaps we can also see it as a symbol of resurrection as well, if you will. Everyday WE start our spiritual caterpillar day, yawn, stretch our 6 legs and move into our beingness to grow, learn and become. Lo and behold, one day, the caterpillarness of who we are goes into it's cocoon for some well earned slumber. If we allow ourselves safety in this chrysalis phase of our growth, over a short period of time laden with FAITH, we will emerge as a no longer earthbound creation. We will have awakened with wings.

I had always believed that spiritual metamorphosis was my destination. Repeatedly I have witnessed myself giving birth to many butterflies. Finding on this soulful adventure that as I set one aspect of myself free to the gift of flight, a new caterpillar awakens, yawns and reveals itself within me. My soul's journey has become a series of caterpillars, as each aspect of myself yields itself to truly awakening. Metamorphosis is no longer my destination, but the continual journey I am on. Everyday there is something old becoming new again, and hence given permission to be beautiful, radiant and able to soar. Every facet of me that experiences it's chrysalis time resurrects anew. Resurrection is no longer one final act, but an explanation for an entire life filled with Hope, Faith and Radiance. This is the living art-form of Awakening With Wings.

May you have the courage to surrender everything you've been, so that you can become everything you TRULY ARE.......and that is quintessentially beautiful.



On scientificblogging.com search for Study: Butterfly Memory Can Recall Uglier Caterpillar Days

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Olivia Newton-John

It is interesting to experience physical pain. I really prefer to call it "intense physical sensation", ever hoping that by not judging it as good or bad I will give it permission to leave. And trust me, I have actually given it permission to leave, out-loud. I have had the experience of migraines which include intense physical sensation in my mid to upper back and neck, since 1992. I believe that anything that is not loving is a call for love. So, I understand that my body is talking to me.

I can hear Olivia Newton-John singing....."Let me hear your body talk....your body talk...". The language of our bodies is complex. Many sciences have spent hundreds of years associating energetic disruptions of our soul, heart and mind influencing physical illness. I have studied many of these mediums, and am yet to resolve this issue within my veryownself. When I experience physical pain, I feel very grounded, almost as grounded as road kill. Yeah, that close with the earth. Although suffering is referred to in the Bible often as something to be honored or even celebrated, it is usually when we suffer for the God within the Greater Good of our Collective Human Family, that the accolades come. I believe that when I suffer without known agenda, my ego is probably involved.

The ego likes things to remain the same. Challenging old belief systems rocks the stability of the egoic frame. This is how my body feels, like it has been shaken fiercely. I bless my ego, and see it embracing it's own truth.....the ability to let go and release into the flow of life. The major blessing of pain is the gift it holds in it's hands for me. The pain comes from within me;therefore, I have been a pain in my own neck.

I have been working through issues regarding my value. I challenge myself daily to embrace my thoughts, feelings and self-expression. The old mental tapes in my head repeating"You are not worthy, You are unloveable" need to be squashed, for their expiration date was sometime in 1984. Imagine eating something that is 26 years post expiration date. Yet that is what my ego likes to feed me( leggo my ego). Overcoming my ego's desire to keep me small and silent is a command in my life. I no longer can pretend that my ego's lies are truth. For the truth is like water, it always finds it's way to the surface....and when I am truly me....I am loved and loveable, valuable and valued, a joy to be around and joy-laden.

What you resist persists. I will not to resist this pain, yet I will to glean the lesson. The gift of my experiences with migraines has taught me to see beyond the judgement of the experience, and opportunity to practice just "being" with the experience. There must be a tremendous understanding gift within these migraine experiences, for they render me to my knees, and I surrender all.

One moment soon, I will come face to face with the lesson of these experiences. Then I will find myself Awakening With Wings every moment.

Listen to your body, for the physical song it sings is a love song to your heart, and a harkening from your soul to remember the truth of who you are.

With great love and Honor for You,


Monday, March 22, 2010

Side Effects Part II

Hello Everyone!
I've perfected my anti-gravity boots and have been visiting kingdoms afar. As soon as I get the second pair working you will be a welcomed companion on these adventures.

As I had written Side Effects as one of my first public diary entries on this site, I have had the opportunity to see it more clearly in my life. Thank God, that I have learned how to integrate lessons from others life experiences around me. I do not always succeed, but this was one time that I did.

A few weeks ago I learned that an old friend of mine was going to become a grandfather. His 18 year old daughter will be having a baby a few months after graduating high school. We had spent a great deal of time together, my friend, his daughter and me. If we had cemented our friendship into something greater, I would be becoming a g-mother this fall. I cannot even write the word, because I am in such fierce denial of my chronological age. Grandparents are old people, and in no way do I see myself as "one of them". Alas, I digress.
I started thinking about their family, and how this young ladies sisters(3 of them) had all had babies just months after highschool. Their mother also, had her first baby just months after high school graduation. At first I thought of the term "generational curse". Then I realized that what seemed to be a unspoken permission passed on from parent to children, was actually a thought system. My friend is a great man, but is still working on mastering his ability to wield love in the face of his own anger. I do not blame anyone in what may seem my judgement of this circumstance, there but for the Grace of God go I. But, the realization that we pass on our thought patterns to our children, was so great a lesson, that I felt I needed to share it with you all.

I can only tell you my experiences, and how this circumstance played out in my life. I learned at a very young age to accept less than loving behavior from men. I practiced tolerating abuse, and learned to believe that I was worth nothing more. Love, was a physical act...played out in the physical act of sex. Love with men was something I bartered for with sex. Unfortunately, for many years of my life, I thought sex meant love.
In my 30's I realized that I was a role model for my children. They were going to aspire toward my ideals, and would also learn to tolerate what I taught them was appropriate. It was at this time that I realized I needed to get un-married(traditionally called divorced). I had a son and two daughters who I could not bear to see live void of true love in their lives, yet that was exactly what I was teaching them. That is what I had been taught. I made a firm stand, that the generational curse of tolerating anything less than respectful and loving would come to a bitter halt with me. The buck stopped there. I made a choice to believe that there was a loving, respectful and joyous relationship out there waiting for me, and I was intent on finding it. Not just for me, but as an opportunity to actually BE a good role model for my children, so they could see through my life that each of them is worth honor, magic and enchantment in their own relationships.
Have I achieved my goal?
Not yet. I have gotten really good at weeding out those who have a less than loving agenda with me though. I raised my own standard, and the Universe/God will meet it. This I trust implicitly.
For we get what we expect.
This is the essence of this entry. If we expect crumbs in a relationship, then that is all we will get. If we expect to have a relationship that is barely tolerable then that is what we will manifest. If we see our mate as our enemy, than this is the oppositional type person we will attract. The side effects of having a low standard, or none at all, is that we will get something of little or no value at all in a relationship. The side effects not only affect our lives, but they affect the lives of those who see us as role models: our children, our friends, our families. We have the choice eveery second to think and believe grand and glorious things for ourselves. Things that at this moment we may not even feel worthy of. If we give ourselves permission to go beyond our own mental borders, we will find a magical world of possibility where our truth actually lives. We are the authors and lead roles in the story of our lives. Why not make it glorious? We will only lose our limited thinking, and gain a universe of possibility.
Taking the first step into creating a life full of the extraordinary can be really hard mentally. We have believed for so long that we are not magic, nor are we powerful or magnificent. The time of playing small is over. We are Magic. We are Powerful, beyond measure. And we are more magnificent than the brilliance of a million stars in the night.
Fighting the old thoughts that kept us playing the supporting roles in our life's movie, cannot be dismantled with fear. They are a harkening from within our very own hearts for love. Bless your thoughts, and your thoughts will bless you. It is a guarantee.
We can continue to give others permission to be insignificant and unworthy, or our lives can be a testimony of courage, faith and Love........and the greatest of these is Love.

Stand Tall, Proclaim Yourself as Worthy to the World and Universe, and the World and the Universe will echo your beliefs into your reality.
With Great Love,

Monday, March 15, 2010

Remnants of Winter


I am privileged to be able to watch the sun rise from my back porch. Scattered along the horizon are the living skeletons of trees. Without foliage you can see the detailed expression of their forms. Limbs lifted upward, branching into the sky, reaching for the light. They are a living wooden expression of praise to the Light, arms uplifted to behold and receive all that they need.
Winter's signature is all about. Through the cold and oft times bleak setting, the tree's hold the sacred space of being-ness.
Often it is when we are exposed to the world that we may appear lifeless and feel seemingly alone. Our true selves extend our arms outward, with nothing left to hide us. It is a daring and bold move, yet liberating in it's very nature.
I had the gift of learning a bit of someone's heart yesterday. They offered me the same gift. It was a genuine and beautiful display of honesty and courage. Like most, I have spent a great deal of effort in camoflouging my essence with leaves of agenda, control and fear. It would not be a stretch to say I tried to make the outer expression of me an unusual creation. For to be simply me, perhaps, would not be enough. Then I learned to exhale into life. I stopped judging myself, and who I was. I removed restrictions from how I "appeared", and "showed up" for life. That's when I began to live(the verb) my life, and my life began living me. When I allowed my agenda to fall to the ground like the leaves of autumn decorating the earth, I got a good view of what and who I was. It is rare to find a kind soul that is able to be present and view the truth of who we are, without judging us. It is a gift, beyond words, to share the absolute nakedness of who we are and not be judged for it. Yesterday I wass afforded this priceless treasure of being "seen".
Although I have not had the chance to watch "Avatar" the movie, I have heard great things about it. As I understand it, the race of blue people in the movie acknowledge and validate each other's true existence through the exchange of the phrase "I see You."
Often it seems quite risky to allow someone the opportunity to "see You". The way we judge others clammers in our minds and we assume that others will judge us in the same fashion. In a moment of Divine intercession, a miracle is born, and there appears out of seemingly nowhere, a validation of our journey. Being still enough inside to allow ourselves to witness another's soul without judgement is Christlike and Holy. Being the recipient of this, is humbling and enriching.

It has been a journey for me to understand and believe that what I have to say is worth being heard. I realize that I have to believe that what I have to say has worth. Hearing it from someone who barely knows me though, gave me Joy.

Today, as I look at the sunrise and appreciate the skeletal system of the tree's, I notice the small eager buds on the tips of their branches. Oh how that emulates the feeling I have today. I was seen yesterday in my raw and real state, and I was valued. Today, on the branches of my life there are buds of hope, joy and love brimming with new life. I am grateful.

The sacred and divine within me greets the saced and divine within you, and it is there, that we are One.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


When I was 11 years old I heard John Denver sing for the first time. We, my family and I, were driving cross-country in our RV. From the coast of South Jersey to Glacier National Park in Montana. It was an interesting 5 weeks. It was as we were listening to the radio, that I heard him. And for the first time in my life I felt as if I was home. John sang about West Virginia, probably the greatest love story about WV in all of recorded history, that had nothing to do with in-breeding. As he invited country roads to take him home, I went for the ride. I have loved John Denver for 36 years. It wasn't his hot body, or the wild hair, or those trendy glasses. I fell in love with his soul, for it was clear to see and feel through his music and the passion in his voice. As a composer he was a psalmist, and declared publicly, adoration of the holiest aspect of living: falling in love with the life all around us. I bought every record I could afford and find. I bought sheet music, to sing and play along with him. His wisdom and insight attracted me on such a deep level, that at age 11 I first knew passion of the heart.

I have lived in passion since that time. I feel so blessed to have met some of the worlds greatest humans. Often, these people seemed unimpressed with themselves, yet I saw the mighty magic within them. It has been a gift to my life to be able to see the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary. It makes me feel special. When I was younger, my passion was greatly influenced by my hormones. Although I honed some pretty fun habits back then which still influence me, now I seek the empassioned interest of falling in love with life with someone. Making Love can be an amazing, uplifting and divine interaction. But that is no longer my goal. I am looking for someone who will still be interesting after sex. For that is when the realness occcurs. The moments when the physical agenda has been satiated, and the heart's true mission comes forth. That is the genuine space I look forward to sharing with someone, for that is where the continual falling in love with the same someone occurs over and over and over again. This is where you can wield the charms of love and create space of true union.

I surrender. Bewitch me, oh enchanted love!

My life at this point is still evolving into the greatest Love Story ever told. I do believe I will find it, or it will find me, or Love will claim Us. I just haven't met my leading man yet. Even without this aspect of my life being fulfilled, I still live within passion's breathless embrace. Connecting with the beauty all around me, reminds me that everything is in right and perfect timing, and it's ok to trust Love to find me when the time is right.

Until then I will continue to be me. Unique, smart, creative, funny and oh-so self-conscious. For in my soul, I am just a girl looking for her own realness through the gift of being loved .

May you all know how really loved you are.



Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Eternal Lightness of Being

The muse has struck.
First I must say that this is by no means an attempt to brown-nose, suck-up or pander to anything other than the Truth.
As an addendum to the previous post I must add that there are 72 names of God. Wow! I am ever humbled by what I don't know.
So, God is, always has been, always will be, and is part of everything that occurs. Jesus said "The Father and I are One." Jesus also said "Whatever is done in my name is done, " and "Where two or more are gathered in my name there is Love."
"......in my name...." if Jesus and God are one then Jesus was referring to the use of the names of God. All 72 names. While studying the history of Judaism and Israel with the profound Rabbi Alan Odessa in Hod ha'Sharon Israel, I experienced the history of God in His homeland, first hand.
There is power in the use of God's names, for in Judaism, it was forbidden for centuries to speak His name. Jesus was a Jew. His life was lived as a faithful jew. The wisdom he shared came from his intense love and honoring of his Father, Our God. Jesus never asked us to rebuke our jewish brothers and sisters, he encouraged us by saying there are many paths, many tribes to the Father. (Direct biblical reference will be furnished upon request.).
We are all direct disciples of love and the light of creation. Our choice is to embrace the beauty of God that we have in common with each other, or to ignore it's essence of truth. Martin Luther King Jr stated:
We must learn to live in peace as brothers and sisters,
or perish together as fools.
There is a common thread of light and truth that connects us to one another. Persisiting to focus on our differences will only enhance the illusioned divide between us. As children we know not color, or race, or gender or religious labels. the children embrace the truth of the magic that exists in the heart of love, for that is where all children spring forth from. We each are born to be an emissary of light, and ambassador to love. It is our divine birthright to embrace our commonalities.
The Jewish people have suffered greatly throughout history, as being messengers of God is a tricky path. The State of Israel was the resurrection of the Jewish people after the holocaust. When we see our brothers and sisters survive such tragic and difficult times, and then blossom as a community inspite of what they have been through, great acknowledgement, encouragement and honor is deserved. How many times in our own lives have we experienced our own personal tragedy, and miraculously survived the depth of our own despair? How many times have we resurrected from our own emotional , spiritual or mental death? Didn't we each desire some honor for the story we had just lived through and learned from? Affording this honor to each others as warriors from the battlefields of our lives is loving and kind. Affording this honor to groups of people that have clung to each other to survive is part of our Nobility.
The genocides in Darfur, the struggle within the Muslim people, the displacement of the Buddhists from Nepal, the abduction of africans into american slavery and the rape of the american land from the Native Americans, all these groups deserve our holiest thoughts and remembrances. Gather in the names of the one God, and bring Light and Honor to their paths. As we serve each other, we serve the holiest aspects of God and our selves.
The Time to Wage Peace is now.
Secure your arsenal of self-love and honor, and we will secure the fortress of Love and Acceptance for humanity, and our planet.
May seeds of truth take root and bloom in Your Heart,

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Understanding Matter

Hello World! Blessings to your day!

Yud Heh Vav Heh.
This is the Royal and powerful name of God. One of ten names of God. Humanity throughout history has called upon this being for assistance, help and power. He is the great I am that I am, or the I will be what I will be. We were created for divine connection, you could say we were wired for prayer and communion with the source from which we came. God created man in His image. This is stated in Genesis. As a part of the creators inspiration, we long for union with that which created us. Words, hearts and souls have longed for a connection, some of us find it easier to dismiss this need as an emotional crutch to tolerate our human experience. Others of us know of this Presence, but live devoid of the connection to it. Still, others, yearn for the depth of oneness with the One who originated creativity.
If you have ever expressed yourself creatively, you will understand the amount of love or richness of Spirit that influences your creation. As humans we were created out of God's Love. Our earth was created out of God's love for us, as the classroom for learning, understanding and integrating our human life experiences. The earth is as divine a creation as we are, for it came from God's love. Gaia, or mother earth, lives and breathes. She moves, and dances in harmony to the rhythms of our communal living. She is malleable, and we influence her movement. At times she subtlely responds, at other times her response is cummulatively expressed.
The world of matter around us is God's love expressed for us. We took the raw materials of love from this planet, and created our world. Once we discovered that we could indeed accomplish something, we often did not use discernment to understand if we should achieve it. Just because we can do something does not innately imply that we should. This discernment is the difference between experience and wisdom.
God is within and around us at all times. As God has been and always will be, He has been the sacred observer and participant in all that has ever been, and all that ever will be. Through our intrinsic connection and oneness with God, we are wired for access to all that has been and all that will ever be. We need not search out God, truth or the future, we need only to remember it.
The truth has always been there. The Garden of Eden veil that we are separate from God is the only thing that impede's our ability to remember truth. The veil is an illusion. We cannot be separated from God as we cannot separate the waves from the ocean, or the dark from the night, or the light from the day. God wills us into oneness, and only He can end that contract.

It is often that I am humbled by the magnificence of God's love for me. My heart is filled with gratitude and the psalmist in my soul echoes His praises.
I see a world where we choose to remember our unity in Yud Heh Vav Heh. I live in a world where the infinite loving options for a rich and glorious future exist in every moment because of Yud Heh Vav Heh. I embrace a now overflowing with the abundant inheritance from my creator Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, I am that I am.
Embrace the limitless possibilities of loving reality within you, and you will lose the word struggle from your language.
Peace to your hearts, and to the hearts of all those you love.

Monday, March 8, 2010

My Boston T-shirt

When I was in 7th grade I fell in love with the music of "Boston"- the band. "More Than A Feelin'" was a way of life for me, and still to this day I know all the words to their albums. When my son was 12 in 1997, he and I went to see "Boston" in concert at Red Rocks Amphitheater in Morrison, Colorado. It was a blast. It was his first concert, and the memory is still raw and real as if it just happened this morning. Daniel was shocked by the events that transpired at the concert. He couldn't believe that people were passing joints around and the police were standing just a few feet away. The lights, the sound, the energy had Daniel and I transfixed as we stood surrounded by 12 story high red rocks, with the rocky mountains just 1/8 of a mile behind us. It was hypnotic. We were in the moment, and the moment became us.

Today, I needed some inspiration so I wore the T-shirt I bought at the concert. I am holding Daniels T-shirt for him, some day he may cherish it. I have been challenged lately to let go of my attachment to playing down my light. I am one with God, and I should feel His splendor as it is part of the essence of me.
So I went be-bopping to Barnes & Noble rockin' my Boston t-shirt, feeling kinda groovy, windows down, the radio on. Then Boston's Don't Look Back started playing on the radio. It was a message, an offering of hope,

"I can see , it took so long just to realize
I'm much too strong not to compromise
Now I see what I am
is holding me down
I'll turn it around, Oh yes I WILL!!!....
It's a bright horizon and I'm awakened now.
Oh, I see myself in a brand new way.
.....Cuz I can't lose now there's no game to play...."

Upon cranking the engine to leave the book store, the radio started playing "Don't Look Back", again. I guess God thought I needed an exclamation point at the end of the message He was sending me.
"Laurie Be Awake! Turn your thoughts around, no longer be willing to compromise your Magnificence. Your Radiance Laurie is a reflection of ME! It is time to let Me, your God to Shine without restraint through you!" .
WOW! Thanks Old Friend for helping me remember.

I've realized lately that I have imprisoned my splendor, and I am the jailor who owns the key. Only I can set myself free.........I am worthy of freedom, I am worthy of splendor, I am worthy of the Abundance of God's good in my life.......these are my mantra's.
Yesterday I attended a talk given by Roy Eugene Davis, a direct disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda(PH for reference.). PH was a great yogi, speaker and author. And he loved Jesus. Wow! I would never have put those two together. But it's true. In his book "Autobiography of a Yogi" he recites the new testament. Apparently the message of loving one-another is timeless. Mr. Davis discussed meditation with us. It was a beautiful event. Meditation has become an integral part of my life, but I am not always still and postured while experiencing it. Many people get caught up in the "Am I doing it right?" mental net.
The greatest remembrance I've had about meditation is not to judge how we move through it, or how it moves through us. There is no right or wrong. It is an offering from our heart to commune with God/the Universe, and to be a vessel to carry the messages and memories in. Being fully present in any given moment is meditation. Jesus encourages us to pray without ceasing. Meditation without ceasing is mindfulness. It comes down to form vs content. An earnest heart will be opportuned the truth, when truth is sought after. Remembering to allow your humanity
to be part of the experience is essential. The head noise and imaging we experience while trying to meditate, may be messages or guidance, coming through when we are quieting our mind. Quieter than usual will often allow information to pass through. Ask to remember what you need to know, and ask to release all that is not needed.
Often I will wake up with an old school hymn in my head.
"I love you Lord, and I've heard Your voice, to worship You, oh my soul, rejoice!
Take pride my King, in what You hear, may it be a sweet, sweet sound in Your ear....."
It plays over and over in my head throughout the day, and it keeps the bliss of oneness at hand.

Form vs. Content. It's the content that attracts and maintains the extraordinary life that is yours to live. What we used to perceive as miraculous, is simply a choice to live your life in the truest expression of God's Good. For that is truly what He wishes for each of us.
May seeds of Light bloom at your feet.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Creators Blessing

A Hopi Elder speaks:
'You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour.
And there are things to be considered...
Where are you living?
What are you doing? What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your Truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for the leader.'

Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said,
'This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves.
For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt.
The time for the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.
We are the ones we've been waiting for.'
Hopi Nation - Oraibi, Arizona"

December 23,2012

So kids,

My last post seemed to bring up some some issues with the redundancy of the 2012 topic. The challenge of perceiving time and space as a convergence, as the center point on the x- and y- axis'es in algebra is a thought seedling. I believe that the center point on the axis'es is not a point but a hole. Within it is an infinite amount of other axis'es which point towards other dimensions.

This morning, or tonight, as your perception may allow, I was given a thought.

What if the Mayan calendar is a template for earth cycles, and on December 23, 2012, the calendar just starts over again?

What was day 1 of year 1 of the Mayan calendar like? What was the planetary alignment? We can scientifically identify where the planets will be on Dec. 23, 2012, does it mimic the planetary allignment from day 1 year 1 Mayan time?

I did some reading about 2012 and the Mayan calendar. The pictures on


appear to be an energizing of the earths life force, or an energetic charging of it's chakra's. The description of what may take place is extremely hopeful.

Does it all just start over again?

And yet again I ask: What kind of world would you like to create? What do we want to bless our children with as an inheritance? Whether or not we buy into the 2012 theories, the future for humanity and expecially our children is in our hands and minds.
I copied a hopeful recitation from the Hopi Elders. It is the previous posting on this site. Please take a look at it for it contains information that I find essential.



This is absolute truth.

Of this truth I have been guaranteed.

Be the Light in the illusion of darkness, and everything around you will magnify your brilliance!

Love and Hugs,



Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Time and Tide

Hi there. I pray you each are blessed with love, peace, health and friends.

Time. I'm not sure of it. Many say it doesn't exist other than the expression of this moment, now this one, now this one, etc. Perhaps the mental organization of our individual experiences was the prompting for the concept of time. There is an aspect of "order" that we yearn for as humans. (Although a look at my house may prove that theory otherwise, or perhaps I am more than human. Hhmmmm, alas, I digress.) We tend to put things in categories in our minds, using time as a reference point. In keeping with my edgy thoughts I ask: what if time was removed from our reference?Or we changed the concept of time into one that included space and energy. Yep, we just made time 3 dimensional. How would it look? In what ways would it alter our perception of life experience? How would a 3 or 4 dimensional expression of time change our live's?

The subject of 2012 is no longer something kept in some conspiracy theory closet somewhere. Science has confirmed that on December 21, 2012 our earths magnetic poles will be reversed, with south becoming north and north becoming south (does this interchange east and west as well?). As the magnetic shift takes place the things that move on this planet will be affected. Including our earths crust. The crust includes the plates below the surface. We are acutely aware of the effect of these plates moving. It amazes me to think of the earth as a living , changing and growing ball of energy. The plates shift, giving the earth the ability to mold it's shape somewhat, to counteract the structural balancing acts we have built upon it's surface. We build and fill a city of 2 million people and the earth responds with a gentle and subtle movement. We are dancing with mother earth. Every now and then her subtle reaction reaches a point when we must take notice. Time for our earth mother, has moved slowly, and she will age beautifully. We do not own this earth. We are permitted visitation rights on this planet, and she provides us with food and shelter. Sooner or later we will have to pay our bill for "vacation earth".

Perhaps 2012 will yield an end to time as we've known it. Maybe it will all start going backwards. Perhaps time and space will collide and form another dimension. Whatever will happen, will be our earths response to our actions and beliefs. We can choose to focus on the potential devastation OR we can choose to focus on how we can impact the events in a joyful and mutually advantageous manner. What would it look like to have a living earth, with fleas, I mean humans, living on it's surface, where time and space collide into a new energy which is used to cultivate spiritual supergrowth, and power over the elements as in alchemy? A moment in earth's time where we learn to collaborate with our planetary home and all aspects of nature. Call me a dreamer, but this is what I see. It appears to me to be a great opportunity to learn to dance the seductive Tango with mother earth, and cultivate some passion between herloveliness and ushumans.
Passion charms me. I have a suspicion that passion from our human hearts towards our earth would be a thank you gift which was long overdue, and yet greatly appreciated. We need not master anyone or anything other than ourselves. When we learn to just be, and allow the things around us to just be, peace can become the energetic currency we live by.

And death will be no more, for we will no longer need it. We will have ultimately learned how to live.

Go out on a limb. Think big. Dream Bigger. Together we determine the next chapter in The Enchanted Storybook: Our Earth.
Love and Light,

Monday, March 1, 2010


Over the past 4 days our Earth has spoken. Japan, Chile,
Argentina, the Phillippines and China have experienced
earthquakes. A total of 7 earthquakes, Japan and the Philippines had 2 earthquakes each, unrelated to each other. The post-quake tremors have been too numerous to count. There was a major mudslide in eastern LA

and a trained Killer Whale took the life of it's human friend. Clearly as a species, we are overwhelming the generousity of our planetary home. We are at another choice point: Do we gleen the gift and lessons from these tragic gestures, or do we fall prey, yet again to the opportunistic belief systems which preceded these events? We have the ability to believe a new reality into being. The choice to create a world that works for everyone, including our planet, is my vision. The sacred aspect of visioning is that which Jesus claimed:
Where two or more are gathered I am there.

We are repeatedly being offered the opportunity to collectively hold a sacred envisionment for our future. If only two of us agree, then it is so. We are opportuned creative infinite possibilities at every moment. Giving ourselves permission to "see" an earth where a line in the dirt doesn't divide, a legless human doesn't determine a lack of beauty and difficulty doesn't create hopelessness.
We are all made of the same stuff: Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen, and a whole lot of Magic. The stars, the planets, nature, the ocean, all life, is comprised mostly of these elements. We are all Stardust in human form, reflecting the light of truth as it emanates from natural beauty is our choice. The power to co-create our communal destiny is a privilege. Saving our planet is no longer optional. If we lose our home, we lose ourselves.
Gaia, or mother Earth supplies our every need. I watch the birds outside at this wee hour and see faith incarnate. They busily gather their "manna", seeds, grass, worms, bugs, and nestle in the crook of a tree's branch. They worry not for their next meal, or how to keep warm, or for shelter. And as they do what they need to survive, they sing. The joyful element of singing while they live their lives raises their survival to a thrival state. No they don't have a mortgage, or insurance payments, or car notes, or complex personal experiences. Indeed these things complicate the simplist of human lifestyles. Yet we are also yielded the opportunity to experience thrival in our lives. Weaving the elements of Joy and Gratitude into our everyday tasks, elevates our lives into thrival. Together we will elevate the survival of our earth and our species from survival to thrival.
Within thrival living we:
Allow the inspiration of nature to feed our creativity.
Invite the Spirit of community to release our kindness.
Recieve the knowingness that we are infinitely provided for.
Experience the commonality within each other, and see it as a divine thread that links us together.
Bless each other and our planet. For as we bless each other, we bless our veryownselves.

This is an exciting time to be human. We all signed up for this mission, for this time and space. Perhaps as time and space collide in this dimension, we will be freed from our distracting individual human agenda's, and the bigger picture will be exposed. I hold this vision. In the book of "Esther" in the old testament, Esther is faced with a dilemma: continue to live a lie and let her Hebrew brothers and sisters die, or take a gentle but firm stand for what is right. Her uncle Mordechai suggests "Esther, what if you were created for this very moment? What if your whole life was meant to be lived so that you could be here, to influence the future?".
I ask you this: What if every moment of your life is the moment you were meant to live as a catalyst for beauty, love and peace?
You and I are no less human or less divine than Esther. Know the power of anew lies in your creative desires, and it will. You are the catalyst for a new, more abundant world. The magical power of you today gives way to a miraculous tomorrow for all.

And in the end we are all Star Dust and Magic.
Seek the Light, especially in the darkness, and it will show itself to you.
Love, Beauty and Dragon Charming,