Good Day Humankind!
Was yesterday especially challenging/gift-laden for anyone else?
Whew! Yesterday was a doozy. My eyes are still puffy from crying last night and whining with humor to my sister. Thank God for New Beginnings!
Anyway, today I am going to share something very personal with you. I have had a post, or a "want-ad" as I call it, on a web site called Plenty Of Fish. It's a free internet singles thing, where you can view other people and their commentary about themselves, and then message them if you "feel a connection." I've been on the site for 13 months and it has been quite interesting. Yes there are plenty of fish in the sea, but I am watching for someone who is going in the same direction I am, someone who can keep the same travel rate and rhythm while swimming next to me and someone whose life is a light-filled smile.
Succinct, not being one of my strengths, at least with writing, I wrote the following posting of myself. It's some insight into how I see life, relationships and myself. It's just a glimpse, and I hope it helps you feel as if you know me a little better.
Thanks for your time. It's the one thing we can't buy more of.
Taste the Rainbow,
I love living in and expressing Spirit-We are all the essence of God, and what we do to the part affects the whole. It is time we stop raising hell to our beautiful planet, and master the art of Lowering Heaven. To discover Peace in our world,we must first venture forth to establish Peace Within. If you do not resonate with these truths, then I'm not your girl. If they strike a chord of harmony in your Spirit, please read on. I am not religious, but Spiritual growth is my very breath.
Things I've come to understand:
1.)If a guy wants to spend time with you, he'll call and make himself available to you. If he likes you, he'll call until he reaches you. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PERSISTANCE,WE APPRECIATE IT!
2.)If a guy doesn't call, then let him go because he's JUST NOT THAT INTO YOU(Yes, from the movie-rent it and view it-all y'all). The more a woman sinks her claws into a man who is trying to pull away, the stronger the man's desire to RUN IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION. So, if you guys want to go , then go, just please say good-bye, even if you have to do it from a distance.
3.) Some guys think they are being kind by NOT telling a girl they aren't interested in her. THIS IS NOT KIND, IT SHOWS LACK OF INTEGRITY & CHARACTER. This is not permission to be mean, just say something sincerely kind to her, perhaps a quality of hers that you admire, and then slide in the fact that the chemistry just isn't right. That you both deserve more, and then realize THAT IS THE TRUTH! ***BONUS*** HONESTY=GOOD KARMA! Yeah You!
4.)Time and Gravity spare no one-guys included, and weight and gravity have a way of creeping up on most people. Nothing stays where it started, and some times padding grows in well-used areas. People are as diverse as snowflakes and each one has it's own unique beauty. Try something new, or old, or "out-of-the-box". !*!Magic happens when you take risks guys!*!
5.)Some women get an e-mail from a guy and go from A-a simple hello to Z-married and living happily ever-after. We know that scares the h^*^l out of you, so we try to keep our glowey excitement to a minimum. Try not to let it freak you out too much, we are thinking you are our Prince,so this gives you home-field ADVANTAGE. There are many worse things she could be imagining than that you are of royalty. This gives you an opportunity to be charming and sweet. This is not a game we are playing, it is a twisted form of perception drilled into our heads from day 1 by the cartoon industry. Some women WANT to believe that if you love a beast enough he will turn into a "PRINCE", and that even if we see ourselves as cinder-wearing-unworthy our Prince will come....aahhhh...... If you want to take issue with this, contact the company that propagates this BS. Otherwise, enjoy the dreamy look in our eyes, and just enjoy the delusion we are entertaining. We really do know fact from fiction, it's just fun to be silly Princesses sometimes!
When the right guy arrives I will cherish and spoil him....forever.(Happy little princess glowing smile!)
I am a Peace Midwife. Just now becoming strongly aware of the Priestess Power within, and am into wielding my magic to eliminate the illusion of our separateness, uniting us All in the enchanted aspects of our individuality.
If you are interested, message me, and LET'S GET TOGETHER. Will happily amuse you with my witty writing skills, but meeting and actually having fun is the big excitement here. So who's bold enough to go for it? I'll even pay my own way, if I have someone to be silly and laugh with. And , (I hate having to say this) you should understand- I do not do sex as a sport. I've been there, done that,and want more. Yep, another woman holding out for true love. Won't apologize for it, take it or leave it, "Next." I know what I like , and know how to make a man feel 16 again, and again and possibly again.
So enjoy me or leave. It's all good. The right One will get this, and even possibly find it amusing. My goal with this description is to attract The Right Man. One who is committed to spiritual growth, owning his true beauty, wearing his magnificence, and being the brilliant Super-Nova You Are. And you know who you are........
I am a tree hugging,peace seeking ,make love not war kinda girl. I am smart,
and have a great sense of humor,undercover-part time spy and needing a reliable ally.Turn-coats need not apply. I live life from a kind,honest,integrity filled place, grounded in the now,now,now..... Integrity and kindness seem to be precious commodities in todays world. I am four leaf clovers on a magic knoll, the smell of night jasmine in the moist heat of a summers eve, I am the dragon charmer who can convince the dragon to bring forth life from his fiery spirit, I am the line of ants that have no idea where the lead ant is headed but enjoy every step of the journey with my friends, I am the skies irridescent birth of a new day, I am the skeletal remains of every leaf creating a fairy laden star, I am a woman who knows that kisses aren't promises but are precious delicious momentary bits of enchantment, I am the Pan who doesn't refuse to grow up but has no desire to let go of the magnificent charm of innocence,and I protect it wildly,I am the mermaid that has helped sailors rescue themselves for I am wise enough to know that you cannot save someone from the fate they have chosen, I am a part of the sacred circle of all that is mysterious and enchanting and realize that I am as special as the next prince or princess. I am the maiden that needs not to be rescued but to be enjoyed
and cherished, I am the urn that holds the fairy dust that sprinkles joy and hope on the world every moment of every day..
And I am the girl seeking her Enchanted Love.