Experiences on a Mystics Journey

"Be the change you want to see in the world."


Thursday, November 18, 2010

Being Human: The Owners Manual

We are born infinite Spirits in a finite experience. Why?
What can this limiting experience teach our eternal selves?
Do we learn to become indifferent to how we feel, thereby dis-empowering our experience as our teacher?
Do we embrace the fullness of our individual being and remember the gift we chose to give ourselves through this human form?
For when we are willing to feel, become and explore our humanity we then give ourselves permission to walk our Destiny.

Some wise amazing person once said
"Know yourself and you will know God."
I can attest to this fact. I know me, the feel of me, the heart of me, the mind of me, the Spirit of me, the complete experience of me and through this I came to know HIM. Not because I am the All of God, but because as a facet of Him I found His complete fractal image within the All of Me.

Being Human is a tricky path to navigate. Especially in this time when old dogma has been dissolved and there is a temptation to replace it with new dogma. It is like quitting smoking and replacing the old bad habit with a new bad habit. We became habitualized to rules.......so we find ourselves in a Spiritually liberating place where the only Rule is Loving Intent.....and we start making new codes, new laws, new regulations with which to "guide" our lives. We are extraordinarily good at taking something as simple as "Live with Loving Intent" and making it complex. I let go of the complexity of life, and surrender to the internal channel markers of my life.
I encourage each of you to do the same.

When you give yourself permission to make mistakes, you give yourself permission to finally LIVE.
I encourage EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU to answer these questions for yourself. DO IT! This is not a test....there are no right and wrong answers.....for you are birthing you here. Approach this activity as you would approach a woman in labor...with tenderness, compassion and courage. For if you take this chance, and answer these questions you will have given birth to the YOU that is needed and loved here and now. You will be born again.

1. What do I believe? About me? About God? About others?
2. Are there parts of me that I live my life in denial of? What aspect of me have I cut off from source, the very heart of me?
3. What do I feel?
4. What am I indifferent to? What do I risk in taking a stand?
5. What emotions do I allow myself to experience? What have those emotions taught me about me?
6. What does self kindness look like and feel like to me?
7. What would it feel like if I made a mistake?
8. What would it feel like if I made a great discovery?
9. What would I experience if my heart got broken?
10. What would I feel if my love for someone caused them to feel pain?
11. How does my indecision in my life serve me? What fearful thought system in my head is supported by my willingness to be indifferent and indecisive?
12. What does self happiness look like to me?
13. What does Love look like to me? Love from others? Love from self?
14. Do I trust myself with my own life?
15. Do I trust myself to feel my feelings?
16. What do I need in order to create a safe place within and around me so that I have the freedom to feel my emotions?
17. What parts of me are waiting for permission to Live?
18. What would it feel like if someone saw all of me and didn't like it?
19. What would it feel like if someone saw all of me and Loved it?
20. How do I show myself Love?
21. How do I let myself play?
22. What is it that I can do alone that makes me happy?
23. Do I forgive myself?
24. What do I need to create within me as a space of forgiveness and healing?
25. What determines whether something is worthy of forgiveness?

If it is hard to answer these questions for yourself, then change the word "I" out and replace it with the word "others".....so often it is easier to give advice than to self-analyze. Your advice is you advising yourself. The harshness with which we judge others is merely a reflection of the harshness with which we judge ourselves, and so should go our kindness.
Being human is a call from your higher self to get deeply connected with your very essence. This is the time and the place to trust yourself to take a stand, be willing to make a mistake, learn how to forgive yourself, let freaking go and LIVE.
And yes it is that easy.
Being YOU is that easy for you. You picked you for a reason, find out why.
Pick something that you love about you and celebrate it. Pick something that you don't like about you and love it. Treat yourself with the tenderness you would extend a new lover, and you will fall in love with you.
Please stop criticizing the nuances of you, and just observe you letting go. Watch yourself as you would watch a child or a puppy at play. There is no guilt, there is only innocence. Explore the boundaries of your courage. What are you willing to fight for?
What are you willing to risk everything for? What are you willing to Love with total abandon in spite of labels and ideas and judgements? Are you willing and ready to be a fool for YOU?
When you show up for yourself, you show up as an Angel in your own life.

The new thought system enables us to not make a sudden move 'cause we don't know all the rules of this new playground, someone might be watchin, and what if we screw up?
FYI: It's new to all of us.....and I guarantee that we are all going to make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes will hurt, and sometimes those mistakes will guide, and sometimes those mistakes will be a miracle. But you will never experience the joy filled miracles until you are willing to look a fool to YOURSELF. Then realize that we are all a fool practicing being God for ourselves.......and let go into the playfulness around you. Being Human is about having fun, but you've got to be willing to risk a skinned knee or bruised emotional heart to really experience the All of Your Happiness.
Let me know if you get hurt. I will kiss your boo-boos.
It's going to be better than ok. It's going to be a close encounter with Your Loving Highest Self. And that aspect of you is drawing you back to your very own heart.
I love you.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Way of Compassion

I could not sleep tonight. I have been wrestling with a subject that has been very uncomfortable for me. I got up and came to the computer only to find that a friend had posted this:

"Please EVERYONE send healing energy !!! I am going to add this part - and as difficult as it is for those who are going to read this - just know everything IS in DIVINE ORDER :When catastrophes like this happen it is called : Spiritual depurification in mass... it needs to happen for the Earth to balance... I know - sad to read, but it is True... everything is in Divine order !!! ♥ These brothers & sisters of ours have agreed to leave the world in this manner... I know another difficult thing to read - but again it IS Karmic Law.... Prayers are needed !!! ♥


Tsunami Alert! Over 133 dead and 400 missing in Indonesia"

This is at the very core of what I have been struggling to understand. In a world where humans work so hard to do the right thing, and grow, how can we issue forth such a seemingly cold shoulder to those who cry out in pain? As a member of the Tribe of Light, my absolute essence within my soul said "NO".

I responded to my friends wall post with this:

I understand what you are saying.

And I have been struggling with a concept someone shared with me a few days ago (and I am paraphrasing here):

S/ He said "The worst thing imaginable is a young girl, a child, being raped and

brutally murdered, here on the 3-d plane."

Yes, I agreed.

Then s/he said something that challenged me

"We all create a sacred contract as to how we will live our life and then die .....before we enter a body.

A soul that enters a body with the contract to have that body experience rape and brutal murder is blessed to have someone come and rape and murder them when seen through 4th dimensional awareness.

What a blessing then to be that rapist and murderer to help the "victim" soul fulfill it's contract."

(deep breath....exhale...continue)

In some very heady esoteric way I can almost wrap my head around this.

And it has really been bothering me......what is unhealed within me that is preventing me from rejoicing at the thought of a young child being raped and brutally murdered? Why do I not see that the person who committed those acts is a blessing to the child on the recipient end of this? What am I blocking within me to resist seeing the beauty and love within that situation?

After 3 days of agonizing self interrogation, I beleive I have some insight.

In the 4th dimension human agenda's have been purified by the loving fire of God's divine nature.

There are Universal Laws that expand and contract as we move into a higher dimension.

They expand by claiming Love as the Universal Truth, a given in that dimension, not like here in 3-d land where we have had to really work to remember and then sustain it. Universal Law contracts in the 4th dimension as there are no shadows.....only light.

When you are functioning within a Light directed and Light pervading dimension then there is no darkness or shadow. Here, souls show up with pure contracts to fill out, and we show up for each other as God to help them fulfill their contract. In the 4th dimension there is no need for killing or pain and death is obsolete. If you have karmic lessons or soul education that requires such dense experience as murder, rape, killing or torture, then you will manifest back into

3-d land for those lessons.

The light of the 4th dimension will burn away such density and darkness, so they cannot be experienced there.

We cannot apply the laws of the 4th dimension to the experiences on the 3rd dimension.

Rather, I will not apply the thoughts of accepting such things as "blessed" or "helpful" in this the 3rd dimension.

For the Laws on the 3-d plane include darkness, which has it's own job....to obscure truth from the light.

By saying that all suffering and pain in this the third dimension is deserved is cruel, and only serves to provide more darkened areas. We take the sacredness out of another's experience by saying that they were blessed to be raped, or blessed to have their child murdered. In 3-d land, that kind of thinking and a dollar will get you a free cup of coffee in prison. Those of us who work with the light here in 3-d land need to wield this kind of thinking with intense gentility. We have a responsibility to our selves and our brothers and sisters to be the Light when they are surrounded by shadow and seeming darkness. When we move into 4-d then this kind of thinking and the rules that apply can be shared without hesitation because we ALL will be vibrating at a higher frequency. Until then it only serves the darkness to sustain this kind of thinking in 3-d land. In 3-d land it is not a blessing to rape or be raped, it is not a sacred act to murder or be murdered, it is not some holy jihad for honor of God to experience devastation and tragedy from someone or something else's hand. We do not honor God or the Divine within ourselves or each other by tauting accolades towards those whose agenda is to express their rage in unloving ways.

Human Life is not about making yourself a sacrificial lamb for your own divinity....

it is about taking personal responsibility for your HUMAN actions and HUMAN thoughts......

Thought systems that claim blessedness within intentional cruelty negate any personal responsibility for those cruel thoughts and actions. Being human is about personal responsibility and the lessons within intense self-honesty.

If we encourage people to behave as they wish and blame their behavior on some unseen spiritual contract that they were obliged to fulfill, and thusly bring honor to God, then we strip humanity of it's ability to learn all spiritual lessons in 3-d land.....for 3-d lessons come in the form of choice and personal responsibility.

4-d laws do not apply here and if we try to apply them, there will be hell to pay for humanity. I will not participate in creating a collective hell, for I have visited my own, and got out as soon as I knew how.

Search your own hearts. For I KNOW this has become "traditional " new thought, but I believe that in our efforts to make sense of a pain laden 3-d world, we tried to make it ok by saying that all was pre-chosen by us for us. I am not sure this ability to eliminate personal responsibility stems from love...sounds more like ego mind to me.

I realize I may be exposing myself to the world for derision here, and I am relieved by doing so.

Clearly, I am still unhealed in many ways, and I am sure some will remind me that I am resisting healing.

And you may be right.

I know me. REALLY WELL.

My heart has been so purely driven to solve this puzzle that I feel comforted with what I have been taught here. I pray that you have been blessed as well, and ultimately, that this information will honor God as He is within everything.

If I must live one more human lifetime to correct any error in my thinking then so be it (I originally was going to say another 50 human lifetimes, then the messianic nature of me kicked in and I reduced the sentence to just one).

Much love to all of you,




The Way of Compassion

I could not sleep tonight. I have been wrestling with a subject that has been very uncomfortable for me. I got up and came to the computer only to find that a friend had posted this:

"Please EVERYONE send healing energy !!! I am going to add this part - and as difficult as it is for those who are going to read this - just know everything IS in DIVINE ORDER :When catastrophes like this happen it is called : Spiritual depurification in mass... it needs to happen for the Earth to balance... I know - sad to read, but it is True... everything is in Divine order !!! ♥ These brothers & sisters of ours have agreed to leave the world in this manner... I know another difficult thing to read - but again it IS Karmic Law.... Prayers are needed !!! ♥


Tsunami Alert! Over 133 dead and 400 missing in Indonesia"

This is at the very core of what I have been struggling to understand. In a world where humans work so hard to do the right thing, and grow, how can we issue forth such a seemingly cold shoulder to those who cry out in pain? As a member of the Tribe of Light, my absolute essence within my soul said "NO".

I responded to my friends wall post with this:

I understand what you are saying.

And I have been struggling with a concept someone shared with me a few days ago (and I am paraphrasing here):

S/ He said "The worst thing imaginable is a young girl, a child, being raped and

brutally murdered, here on the 3-d plane."

Yes, I agreed.

Then s/he said something that challenged me

"We all create a sacred contract as to how we will live our life and then die .....before we enter a body.

A soul that enters a body with the contract to have that body experience rape and brutal murder is blessed to have someone come and rape and murder them when seen through 4th dimensional awareness.

What a blessing then to be that rapist and murderer to help the "victim" soul fulfill it's contract."

(deep breath....exhale...continue)

In some very heady esoteric way I can almost wrap my head around this.

And it has really been bothering me......what is unhealed within me that is preventing me from rejoicing at the thought of a young child being raped and brutally murdered? Why do I not see that the person who committed those acts is a blessing to the child on the recipient end of this? What am I blocking within me to resist seeing the beauty and love within that situation?

After 3 days of agonizing self interrogation, I beleive I have some insight.

In the 4th dimension human agenda's have been purified by the loving fire of God's divine nature.

There are Universal Laws that expand and contract as we move into a higher dimension.

They expand by claiming Love as the Universal Truth, a given in that dimension, not like here in 3-d land where we have had to really work to remember and then sustain it. Universal Law contracts in the 4th dimension as there are no shadows.....only light.

When you are functioning within a Light directed and Light pervading dimension then there is no darkness or shadow. Here, souls show up with pure contracts to fill out, and we show up for each other as God to help them fulfill their contract. In the 4th dimension there is no need for killing or pain and death is obsolete. If you have karmic lessons or soul education that requires such dense experience as murder, rape, killing or torture, then you will manifest back into

3-d land for those lessons.

The light of the 4th dimension will burn away such density and darkness, so they cannot be experienced there.

We cannot apply the laws of the 4th dimension to the experiences on the 3rd dimension.

Rather, I will not apply the thoughts of accepting such things as "blessed" or "helpful" in this the 3rd dimension.

For the Laws on the 3-d plane include darkness, which has it's own job....to obscure truth from the light.

By saying that all suffering and pain in this the third dimension is deserved is cruel, and only serves to provide more darkened areas. We take the sacredness out of another's experience by saying that they were blessed to be raped, or blessed to have their child murdered. In 3-d land, that kind of thinking and a dollar will get you a free cup of coffee in prison. Those of us who work with the light here in 3-d land need to wield this kind of thinking with intense gentility. We have a responsibility to our selves and our brothers and sisters to be the Light when they are surrounded by shadow and seeming darkness. When we move into 4-d then this kind of thinking and the rules that apply can be shared without hesitation because we ALL will be vibrating at a higher frequency. Until then it only serves the darkness to sustain this kind of thinking in 3-d land. In 3-d land it is not a blessing to rape or be raped, it is not a sacred act to murder or be murdered, it is not some holy jihad for honor of God to experience devastation and tragedy from someone or something else's hand. We do not honor God or the Divine within ourselves or each other by tauting accolades towards those whose agenda is to express their rage in unloving ways.

Human Life is not about making yourself a sacrificial lamb for your own divinity....

it is about taking personal responsibility for your HUMAN actions and HUMAN thoughts......

Thought systems that claim blessedness within intentional cruelty negate any personal responsibility for those cruel thoughts and actions. Being human is about personal responsibility and the lessons within intense self-honesty.

If we encourage people to behave as they wish and blame their behavior on some unseen spiritual contract that they were obliged to fulfill, and thusly bring honor to God, then we strip humanity of it's ability to learn all spiritual lessons in 3-d land.....for 3-d lessons come in the form of choice and personal responsibility.

4-d laws do not apply here and if we try to apply them, there will be hell to pay for humanity. I will not participate in creating a collective hell, for I have visited my own, and got out as soon as I knew how.

Search your own hearts. For I KNOW this has become "traditional " new thought, but I believe that in our efforts to make sense of a pain laden 3-d world, we tried to make it ok by saying that all was pre-chosen by us for us. I am not sure this ability to eliminate personal responsibility stems from love...sounds more like ego mind to me.

I realize I may be exposing myself to the world for derision here, and I am relieved by doing so.

Clearly, I am still unhealed in many ways, and I am sure some will remind me that I am resisting healing.

And you may be right.

I know me. REALLY WELL.

My heart has been so purely driven to solve this puzzle that I feel comforted with what I have been taught here. I pray that you have been blessed as well, and ultimately, that this information will honor God as He is within everything.

If I must live one more human lifetime to correct any error in my thinking then so be it (I originally was going to say another 50 human lifetimes, then the messianic nature of me kicked in and I reduced the sentence to just one).

Much love to all of you,




Monday, June 21, 2010

Moving Forward


I've heard said "Keep your friends close and enemies closer." My life over the last month has been a revelation of how I innately did this as I entered this world via my family of origin. I've also heard that we pick our families as a means to fulfill the spiritual contract we signed up for in this lifetime. If you have been reading this on-line diary, you know that I am committed to going all the way down the rabbit hole, so from that you can rightfully deduce I picked a really tough human family to be born into. Oh the lessons I have learned from them! I have watched my family of origin for 45 years, observed them, monitored the dynamics, tried to manipulate their agenda's and enlighten them to a higher purpose. I continually tried to shoehorn them into love and kindness. It didn't seem to work.

Two years ago I stopped. I let go. I let them go. I realized that each of us has free will, and it was not my place to "control" their choices, and honestly, we can only impact our own choices. I had been functioning within an illusion. The illusion of my ability to control others. As I let go, and walked forward on my journey, without my family of origin, life became less dramatic, and the air fresher. I could breathe for the first time, and the weight I had taken respoonsibility of vanished. I began living my life, and have never regretted the choice I made to let them go. Please understand, I love my family very much, and I love me. I had to let go into the river of MY life, and at this time I do it alone. The most loving thing I could do for my family of origin(foo) was to honor their God given birthright of free will, and live within my integrity.

Within the last month, my foo's shit has hit the proverbial fan.
I have always said that the truth is like water, it always finds it's way to the surface, and it has. It is difficult to watch people you love awaken into the life they have created, for often that life is riddled with puzzles, fear and anger from a very distant time. My heart aches for them as they see who they are, and try to run from taking responsibility for what they created. Yet, in the end of each stage, we must identify who we have been, choose what aspects of us we want to take forward, and say goodbye to the broken and debilitating facets of our lives that never really served our higher purpose. Then we start a new level of life, in a world with more integrity and humility, defined by our desires,beliefs and dreams. It is in this space where the liberation finds us.

So much of life and the earth is changing. Many of us have come to earth, been born on earth for just these times. We are the ballasts of change, as it rocks the vessels of everyone and everything around us. Every moment of every day we are creating the beauty of the next now, now, now. I see how empowered we are to create a world that works for everyone, all living things, alas I have come face to face with belief systems that challenge me. I believe that we are all facets of the One Source, God,The Light, The Truth. Yes, we each have a different perspective because we all have had such different journeys.

I imagine a ball of light as God at the center. Each of our journeys is an individual pin-point of light emanating from the center. That ray of pin-point light is our path, and we move along it. Sometimes we move closer to the center ball of all truth and wisdom. Sometimes we choose to move away from it, and the light is harder to see, and even sometimes we pick a spot and just remain there for a while. Our spiritual journeys are in constant flux, and we can move fluidly with them or resist their current. We all travel in different rhythms and with different reasons, and I feel it is through grace that we are given the opportunity to see oursleves and others with kind eyes. Yet here is where things get blurry for me.

Recently I attended a meeting for "spiritual encouragement" and I was sharing the lesson I was experiencing at the time. I was crying and pouring my heart out, and being quite sincere and vulnerable. I was sharing the fear I had about standing in the Power Of the Source, for when I had done so in the past I had been physically, mentally and emotionally punished by people, especially men. I wanted to recreate this thought paradigm and I was genuinely eager to facilitate this shift. The man on my left stated that my thought paradigm would not shift, that it was not possible, and that I was destined for failure. I waited for the moderator of the class to intervene, but he did not. I asked the group if they had witnessed what had just happened. Everyone sat mute, except the man on my left who laughed and said "See! I am glad I am giving you the opportunityto feel this on such a deep level. I am honored to be the one". I gave the man on my left the middle finger salute with both hands.

I was hurting, I was open, I was vulnerable and someone took the oppportunity to try and wield more pain into my woundedness. I explained how hurt I felt as a result of his comments. He laughed. I got up and left the group. I realize he was echoing the pain I was already feeling. If we are each experiencing our journey as lessons learned and gifts gleaned, then indeed must we ever apologize for hurting someone? This man has never apologized, and has relished in the thought of having contributed to my pain, which he even told me I was not experiencing. He had a spiritual epiphany last week, and woke up to his life. But he thinks that Grace supercedes all previous actions, and negates his karma. Is this true?

When I awoke in my life, I was tremendously humbled. I saw how I had created a thought paradigm at age 4, in order to survive, and how 41 years later I was still living it. I saw the immaturity of that thought system and how it undermined me as the light I am, and the vast amount of collateral damage it caused to those around me. I started making amends out of humility, and asking for forgiveness. The hardest person to get forgiveness from was myself, but it came.

Are we really to act any way we wish, and toss the consequences aside? Are we to be unkind even cruel to each other and to hell with the impact, because if we hurt or caused fear in someone else it is their issue to deal with, their lesson to learn, and we have actually done them a favor? This is so tough for me to wrap my head around. Isn't there an accountability we all have to each other, through the sacred contract of our words, and an accountability to our unity in Oneness through our deeds? I realize I cannot make someone apologize to me or anyone else. I also realize that we all walk a different path, but the closer we move into the light, don't we all see the same Truth? Isn't there one truth?And isn't that one truth laden with integrity,integratedness of being? What we do to the part impacts the whole, and we are responsible for the betterment of each other through the betterment of ourselves. Does grace absolve us from being responsible and kind in our actions with others?

If Indeed Grace negates our responsibility to each other, then is this the world we will create as the old one passes away? Creating a new earth system that works for everyone would require integrity and kindness to be a given. If only a few live by the code of integrity and kindness, then there will be little accountability, and then governments will arise again, since we humans as a majority can't seem to master kindergarten lessons 101.

The new earth I envision is a world beyond mental and physical borders. A world where our hearts and souls are safe to be honest and real. A world where malevolence is obsolete, and compassion is the holy currency we exchange. Where the One Truth, the One Unity In the One God resides and rules our individual expression, no governments are needed.....for we are led by the purest place of all....our heart.

The above questions are not rhetorical in nature. Responses would be greatly appreciated.

May seeds of truth bloom in your essence so that you can remain in Love's pure cascade,


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Todays Post is written by my friend Cheyenne. She has an excellent imagination. Enjoy the ride!-


The lavender fairy

Fairys are always with you
and though somes days it feels like they are not with you they always are. This picture is a lavender fairy, she surrounds you with Lavender light from afar! She is the moon the sun and the stars. You can always see her in your dreams ,and thats were you can visit her when ever you want in your dreams. The lavender fairy will be right there waiting for you so get in touch with the Lavender fairy right away.
sweet dreams
Cheyenne L.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

It's really happening...part 1/6

What an interesting night. I experienced a download of information that is deep, rich and beautiful. Some of the information I wrote above and below. I had several friend requests this morning on fb, as is every day of late, from spiritual people, lightworkers around the world. The shift is being felt globally, and we are finding our family, or tribe. I got some information for and about you and all of humanity.
First of all....They need, want, require you to Go Home. All indigenous earth tribes are to unite as one. It is time to focus on our commonality of living in harmony with this planet. You are the one you've been waiting for. You are to lead the Lakotah Nation into remembering it's truth, it's ways, it's nobility. Leaders from all Earth indigenous Tribes are being called forth. For all indigenous peoples everywhere carry the human instruction in their DNA. Native Tribes world wide have a connection to this planet that runs through their veins like sap through a multi-branched tree. Humanity is returning to The Native Way. You signed up for this lifetime, as one of this Global Tribe Leaders.

And it is there beside you, that I stand. A leader myself, and your partner. I am a leader of The Tribe of Light.

It is really happening......part 2/6

This information is not from me. It came through me, for you, me and my friend, and for the Tribe Of Light. It is time that our Earth Home takes on new Light, Native People everywhere are to Unite with the Tribe of Light people, as to deliver earth to her new self.
And indeed, we are one. The time is now. We are needed. We are to gather the tribes together, and establish a global community of support of indigenous people everywhere. We are the one's we've been waiting for.

It is really happening....part 3/6

It was of divine ordinance that tribes of humans were planted throughout the lands and waters of this planet. The Indigenous Tribes (IT for future reference and ease of sharing) are the initial link between our Earth's soul and humanity. Not only do you carry the human code in your DNA, but you hold the "on Earth as it is in Heaven" code as well. You, as a leader of this remembering, will be given the ability to read and interpret the code. It is back to the code for review and updated installation of information. An ability of going beyond your 'mental borders' as your Tribe Of Light (TOL) partner likes to say. This is where the future of the human-earth relationship lays. As Native Tribal people you innately carry within you the knowingness, you only need to practice simple tribal ritual to help you remember, and the memories saved by all ancestors will be shown to you, as a guide to show you the way. It is the way of creation, the way of community, the way of Truth....the way of Oneness.

Great Spirit, God, The infinite intelligent All.......these are the same energy. They are the Source of all that was offered, and the creativity that gave birth to all that is. Yet, what you have not done, is to learn the harmonious rhythm of working together with your home. The IT are your greatest resource. They know the way. Look to them, respect their ways, and you will collaborate with God and Earth, together writing the next volume of Earth History. Where do you start? At the beginning. And the time is now. These people were there. They will show you the place of initial choice, and you are to then move forward and outward more wisely. Do not focus on the endings, though grief will be experienced. Put your focus on the opportunity of Newness that lays before you, for that is where your Hopefulness resides. It is time to midwife forth your creativity, as you are the one's setting up the structure for the Next World. The New Earth. The Second Coming. As the American forefathers trusted divine planning through them and their wiriting, so must you as the foreparents of the Earth Tribe. The new Earth Tribe is a blend of Indigenous People and the Tribe of Light. From this union is born the Earth Alliance. This is the imagination of God brought to life.

It is really happening....part 4/6

This is part of the Hopi prophecy. 'And the Ocean's will turn black.' It's all changing right before our very eyes. It is the time of unraveling, revealing, and truth emerging, into a world that chooses to resist it far too often. The human-earth contract is up. Negotiations have started.
What Do You Want?

It is really happening....part 5/6

I gladly accept your friendship, and ask you with most earnestness,
what is going on here? 3 weeks ago a major shift happened for me. I have lived with depression my entire life, and 3 weeks ago I woke up and the depression was GONE, my food desires changed to whole foods, I need less sleep, I am even tempered, and my 4-legged friends have been communicating loudly with me. I will understand this, but it sure would be nice to know that me, my daughter and my roommate are not the only one's going through it.
Are you all experiencing these divine downloads and great shifts as well? Perhaps the better way to ask this, is: Are you being given CLEAR instruction?

It is really happening....part 6/6

This is quite interesting and most amazing. All the lightworkers, wayshowers, ligthwielders, shamans, medicine people, star people are coming together. We are being drawn to each other through fb in hoardes. How many friend requests do you get everyday, from fellow light workers? It doesn't even feel light a light 'worker' anymore, it feels like a new sub-species of humans, the light people- We Are of the Tribe of Light. We are the esmissary's of light,much like the native/indigenous people of earth, we are the the Tribe that has carried the soul/light of earth for all of time. We show up here now, on this planet, as the human-earth contract is up for negotiation. We are here to usher forth the new way.
Every day I get friend requests from all over the world from other members of the Tribe of Light. We are being drawn together for a reason, and I am determinded to figure it out. We need an icon next to our name to indicate that we are of the Tribe of Light.
Thanks for listening,
Love and More Light,

Sunday, May 30, 2010

In Our Hands

Painting by Henri Peter.
Writing dedicated to the lifesong of my dear friend Ron.

Howdy my earth family!

I tremendously enjoy a good thunder storm. In particular I like the way the air smells after lightening strikes, I've heard tell that it is the smell of ozone. Whatever it is, it smells clean and feels new, and I wrap the energetic gift around me like a well-loved homemade quilt. Oh how I love to listen to the rain on the windows and the roof, and the thunder as it claims it's well-earned power. It is an entrancing symphony of sounds that carries my thoughts across rainbows and over moonbeams into a world of Spirit where We Are One and Everything Is Possible. The zap of lightening seems to instantaneously change my perspective into that of miracle thinking.....within seconds I become anew.

I have been told that lightening moves from the ground up, in spite of it's appearance. Today I was thinking about all the tools we have as spiritual beings, as there is a current of spiritual awakening moving very quickly throughout all beings. Some of the goals of spirituality include improving one's quality of life. There are many manifestation guides available, yet masses of people are not yet becoming millionaires instantaneously. The gifts of the spiritual path often require time and discipline to see the "fruit of your labours" so to speak. For me and my life, I have come to know the four principles that will like lightening, change your perspective instantaneously, taking you from the ground perspective up to the heavenly perspective in a flash of light. I speak of four ways of seeing yourself and the world around you which yield miraculous lifts to one's spirit without the time factor. I have learned that as I understand, integrate and learn to use these gifts there is an energetic movement of light from my soul to God, the Source of All that is. And in that moment I can palpably feel His/God's presence, and KNOW our unity.

The first is the gift of generousity. This term used to bring to my mind the millionaire who gives loads of money away. Generousity is not confined to those with large bank accounts. We have at our fingertips two things that when given to others, increases our own value. Love and Time.....the two things that money cannot buy. Availing yourself to the service of others turns your atttention to that of the greater good, and quickly provides you with an increase in your own self worth. Giving without agenda is a sacred act which also free's you from enslavement to your own drama and or agenda. Being generously kind just for the sake of being kind also serves as a disarming tool in the presence of less than light filled circumstances. It is liberating to give without expectation. It is also essential that we be willing to receive with genuine joy. It is a beautiful cycle to witness as holiness pours forth upon all involved.

The second is the gift of respect. For decades I believed I was responsible for the actions and decisions of those around me. So I worked very hard to manipulate those around me. I ended up pissing those around me off. Besides creating walls in my relationships, I forced myself to carry a burden that was much too great for any one person to bear. When I learned to respect the life and choices of those around me AND learned to not take their choices personally, I was freed. I had become an indentured servant to my need to control, and was never satisfied. Being responsible for just my own decisions and actions felt like a noose being removed from around my neck. It is each beings divine birthright to live as they see fit. When I focus on my own journey, everyone else seems to move in more harmony, and I feel tremendously less burdened.

The third gift is courage. Being really present for another person was something I was good at. Being really present for myself, took tremendous courage. I had to own my shit, my poor decisions, my poor choices and the collateral damage they had caused. Being brave when you have the option to be complacent without any consequences is the true test of courage. We know ourselves. We can hide our truths from others but we cannot hide our truths from ourselves. Being brave when we are alone redefines who we are, and we then see our true power, Love- which lies within our very own heart.

The fourth gift is that of wisdom. As each of the other gifts are offered up to our potential, we gain wisdom. It is here in the space of our ancestors, and our wise selves, that we see the benefit of being generous, respectful and brave. This is the space of knowing our power, and using it to benefit the greater good of all life. Our stories, our experiences, our choices all have lent us the opportunity to know and teach. Sometimes a quiet teacher is needed of us. And then again, sometimes we are to be an out-loud example of what we have come to know. Willingness to stand up for what we know is our truth is empowering beyond words. Becoming wise is hard work, staying wise is even harder. Living without wisdom though, is unbearable for me.

These are the Four Thunders that announce the downpour of Spirit's infinite abundance. The moment when the sky opens up and newness pours down, letting our feet get wet in the beauty of being. Receiving each drop of newness as a kiss of hope on our skin.

It is there, within the storm of prosperity that we dance together, knowing only each other's beauty, truth and joy. Love is the symphony we move to, and it is in this space that......................................... We Are One.
Living The FourThunders connects us beyond forever.

I See You.
With great Love and Appreciation,

Friday, May 28, 2010

Being Laurie, part 1/3

Hello Fellow Beings! Sometimes I wonder (actually often I wonder this), what it is like to be someone else. What it really is like to be inside their head. This morning I found myself responding, oh so non-succinctly, to a note from a dear friend. I was sharing some personal thoughts of mine, and decided to blog my letter. Clearly you can see that I am still learning how to wield power over this small machine in my lap, but until I become the Alpha machine in the house, this post will be divided into 3 parts, as when I tried to post it to BLOGGER Dashboard, it had too many characters. Is it possible to have too much character? Really?
Anywho. Here's a peak into a different part of being me.

Hi Sweet Annie,
I am in the state of evolution, and it is exciting and mysterious...that is new age code for I don't know what the fuck is actually going on, but I am sure it will all work out. You know how we volley new age lingo back and forth, correcting ourselves because: we need to be in the moment, be here now, but remember that we don't really exist, we are all just sparks of light, we can not say "not", because the universe doesn't acknowledge limited thought, yet we live in a limited body that has an unlimited mind, and we must evolve into light but we are good enough just as we are..........blah...blah....blah.
It's as if new age thought has become a dogmatic practice that needs to be strictly adherred to. Bullshit. I am tired of being corrected when I speak . The only dogma in Love is Sincerity. And sometimes I sincerely want to say not.

You asked what I am up to. I would have to say I am creating a different future.
I want to speak publicly, my Spirit is being drawn to speaking to large audiences. I am done being an RN, my body aches everyday, and I am done being a professional co-dependent. Yep, that's right, being a co-dependent is a requirement for nursing school. I am done taking care of and fixing other peoples shit. It's my turn, and working on me has been so much more rewarding and wisdom installing.

Being Laurie,part 2/3

I've been looking for some free-lance writing jobs on-line, but it is as if the job I am looking for hasn't been invented yet. I don't feel part of this world. Don't get me wrong, I am more content with my life than I have ever been, I just was created for the future version of this earthbound experience, and I haven't quite found or created my space/place yet. Sometimes I think that I was a middle-aged soul when I came into this world. That I picked this life, so that I could acquire as much wisdom as I could integrate as quickly as possible. I wanted to grow up Spiritually, in one lifetime. In general I know I have. I have been emotionally, mentally, energetically and spiritually preening myself for what is unfolding around and within me/us. We as a species are shifting and changing, and somehow my communication skills and wisdom will be used for blessing the world. I keep praying for the lamp unto my feet, so that I may know the next right and perfect step......illumine just an inch...show me the way......alas, I don't move forward in the world (getting a job-been unemployed since feb 2009), but I continue to grow exponentially spiritually.
I totally trust that God will show me the way, when I need to see it.

Being Laurie,part3/3

Until then, I keep writing, taking dictation from the Big Guy Upstairs, painting, and sharing with others. I have THE MAP....I just haven't met those who are looking for it yet.

I live in Myrtle Beach SC, but am acutely aware of my need to move 500 miles inland. They(my spirit buddies) keep reminding me of this. I think I am heading for Tennessee or Kentucky or Colorado, but still looking for that lamp to show the way.

I wrote a screenplay last summer, as I was INSTRUCTED vehemently to do so. They gave me the movie/film in my dream state, and then each character visited me to tell me their story. It is a coming of age film about an african american young man who is also Lakotah. It is a great story that was given to me. Because of the NTSA contest we were in, I met several producers and directors from LA, while 'networking' on fb. One of them is reading the screenplay now. He is part Lakotah, and he's cool. I really believe he is meant to be involved with the manifestation of "Without Shame", into a film. Until then I will keep paying attention to the signs, and moving forward.
I keep writing, and perfecting being me.
I think of you often Annie. If you need me please let me know. I am here.
May seeds of light bloom all around you, so that you may know your

Thursday, May 27, 2010

At a loss.....

Hello fellow humans,

So the world keeps on turning on it's calliope adventures, and the human parasite threatens the beauty of the ride.
It is with such great sorrow that I write this note today.
It has been my dream since I was old enough to dream, to help midwife Peace On Earth. Yes, the dream was spurred by a family that knew very little peace, but I just knew there was a world out there waiting and ready to be awakened to it's own peace. Awakened to it's memories of Peace. Awakened to it's true essence-Unity in One Love.
Last week I had someone tell me that you can only build bridges where they are wanted. I have worked diligently to build bridges within myself, learning to span the divides between all aspects of myself and the acceptance of those aspects. It has been rewarding and vital to and for me. I know I can assist others in their own bridge building. Alas, I am beginning to see that most people's agenda's seem to be etched in the stoney tablets of their minds, and unfailingly override any loving instinct from their hearts. A bridge needs to connect two different areas, I,alas, am only one area. And a peaceful heart often does not reside within a body whose mind is carrying out anti-peace activities and thoughts.

There is an aneurysm in mother Earth. We have wounded her. The earth is our loving higher self, always assuring balance and stability. We, as humans are her ego. We have manipulated,divided, scarred and abused her. We, as her agenda filled mind, have masochistically abused her loving being-ness within an inch of her life. Our agenda was bent on destruction, greed and narcissism, and we have taken ourselves, as the earth parasites that we are, to the brink of Earth Home Bankruptcy-and perhaps the Universe will foreclose on our loan. I know Obama cannot bail the Earth out. Perhaps we chose to destroy our dear planet, as we were tired of our own lives, and I am guilty of this feeling. Perhaps it was a result of our anger towards ourselves, and then each other, for lives that were felt to have little if any good meaning. I am also guilty of this feeling. Whatever vehicle got us here, it is on the brink of global destruction that we sit. Yes, perhaps I am being over dramatic. But we have forced our own way into near obliteration, and it's time we understood why.
If indeed our planet survives this explosive oil aneurysm, we need to see how we got here. Or we will keep trying to destroy our planet, until at last we succeed.
All these years we have been duped into believing that nuclear holocaust would be our demise. All the while, swiss cheese holes have been drilled into the crust of our Earth home. Insidiously, like moles or gophers,weaving underground labyrinths of potential weakness into the very firmament that sustains us. How ignorant I have been. How do I remain aware of what is "really" happening in the world, and not feel so enraged by it? How can I use the passion of my rage to impact the real world with good and love? What is the up side of down to this situation?

I know what it is like to live within an ecology of self-harm. I also know what it is like to live within a synergistic environment that creates an ecology of love. I wanted to believe that everything was going to be okay. That leaders of all kinds can be trusted to act in the interest of the greater good. Unfortunately, some of these ideals have been based on illusion, not on someone else's actual integrity.

We exchange words throughout each day. "How are you?" we casually ask each other. How many of us really mean it? How often do we honestly reply?
Should the holy currency of words be written out as the sacred contract which they are? When we give a word-something to another being, we are living Namaste. We are bringing forth a gift from the sacredness of ourselves and sharing it with the sacredness of another. To offer that gift in sacred contract is a divine intention. Following our words through to fruition, and honoring that sacred contract is a holy demonstration of how in tune to Spirit our own contract is. To renig on that contract undermines any holy covenant we have with God, and creates a faulty structure of self. It falsifies your very being. You become the shifting sands upon which you are building the emotional, mental, spiritual, physical and energetic infrastructure of your being upon.

One strong gust of truth and the structure of you will come down.

As Spirit there is only Oneness....
Is that when I will feel absolute wholeness-
When the totality of me
can merge with the totality
of you?
There is no physical sensation in Spirit.
Are we isolated without touch,
OR is it because of touch that we sense isolation?
Do we need this body to
travel the mental highways and
spiritual byways?
If we are human
for enlightenment alone,
then why are we asked
to love this body we are to separate from?
Or is the future separation of body from soul
that which urges us
to love it?

We are Spiritual Beings contained within a human body. Much like a Jeannie(gin) in a bottle we are trapped until touched, rubbed in the right way. That is when our true powers are unleashed. Our Spirit knows it's oneness. The skin of our body isolates our divine spark from the other aspects of Divine Spark. It is through touch, and ultimately lovemaking that we remember our oneness-
When we physically connect, our spirits are allowed to merge.
We are in our ALL power as Spirit. The body, the physical, gives us opportunity to know separation.....
and the joyful opportunity to remember our oneness.

Much Love and Light,
Dedicated to Our Earth and Susan Boles, who helped me remember being real.