We are born infinite Spirits in a finite experience. Why?
I could not sleep tonight. I have been wrestling with a subject that has been very uncomfortable for me. I got up and came to the computer only to find that a friend had posted this:
"Please EVERYONE send healing energy !!! I am going to add this part - and as difficult as it is for those who are going to read this - just know everything IS in DIVINE ORDER :When catastrophes like this happen it is called : Spiritual depurification in mass... it needs to happen for the Earth to balance... I know - sad to read, but it is True... everything is in Divine order !!! ♥ These brothers & sisters of ours have agreed to leave the world in this manner... I know another difficult thing to read - but again it IS Karmic Law.... Prayers are needed !!! ♥
Tsunami Alert! Over 133 dead and 400 missing in Indonesia"
This is at the very core of what I have been struggling to understand. In a world where humans work so hard to do the right thing, and grow, how can we issue forth such a seemingly cold shoulder to those who cry out in pain? As a member of the Tribe of Light, my absolute essence within my soul said "NO".
I responded to my friends wall post with this:
I understand what you are saying.
And I have been struggling with a concept someone shared with me a few days ago (and I am paraphrasing here):
S/ He said "The worst thing imaginable is a young girl, a child, being raped and
brutally murdered, here on the 3-d plane."
Yes, I agreed.
Then s/he said something that challenged me
"We all create a sacred contract as to how we will live our life and then die .....before we enter a body.
A soul that enters a body with the contract to have that body experience rape and brutal murder is blessed to have someone come and rape and murder them when seen through 4th dimensional awareness.
What a blessing then to be that rapist and murderer to help the "victim" soul fulfill it's contract."
(deep breath....exhale...continue)
In some very heady esoteric way I can almost wrap my head around this.
And it has really been bothering me......what is unhealed within me that is preventing me from rejoicing at the thought of a young child being raped and brutally murdered? Why do I not see that the person who committed those acts is a blessing to the child on the recipient end of this? What am I blocking within me to resist seeing the beauty and love within that situation?
After 3 days of agonizing self interrogation, I beleive I have some insight.
In the 4th dimension human agenda's have been purified by the loving fire of God's divine nature.
There are Universal Laws that expand and contract as we move into a higher dimension.
They expand by claiming Love as the Universal Truth, a given in that dimension, not like here in 3-d land where we have had to really work to remember and then sustain it. Universal Law contracts in the 4th dimension as there are no shadows.....only light.
When you are functioning within a Light directed and Light pervading dimension then there is no darkness or shadow. Here, souls show up with pure contracts to fill out, and we show up for each other as God to help them fulfill their contract. In the 4th dimension there is no need for killing or pain and death is obsolete. If you have karmic lessons or soul education that requires such dense experience as murder, rape, killing or torture, then you will manifest back into
3-d land for those lessons.
The light of the 4th dimension will burn away such density and darkness, so they cannot be experienced there.
We cannot apply the laws of the 4th dimension to the experiences on the 3rd dimension.
Rather, I will not apply the thoughts of accepting such things as "blessed" or "helpful" in this the 3rd dimension.
For the Laws on the 3-d plane include darkness, which has it's own job....to obscure truth from the light.
By saying that all suffering and pain in this the third dimension is deserved is cruel, and only serves to provide more darkened areas. We take the sacredness out of another's experience by saying that they were blessed to be raped, or blessed to have their child murdered. In 3-d land, that kind of thinking and a dollar will get you a free cup of coffee in prison. Those of us who work with the light here in 3-d land need to wield this kind of thinking with intense gentility. We have a responsibility to our selves and our brothers and sisters to be the Light when they are surrounded by shadow and seeming darkness. When we move into 4-d then this kind of thinking and the rules that apply can be shared without hesitation because we ALL will be vibrating at a higher frequency. Until then it only serves the darkness to sustain this kind of thinking in 3-d land. In 3-d land it is not a blessing to rape or be raped, it is not a sacred act to murder or be murdered, it is not some holy jihad for honor of God to experience devastation and tragedy from someone or something else's hand. We do not honor God or the Divine within ourselves or each other by tauting accolades towards those whose agenda is to express their rage in unloving ways.
Human Life is not about making yourself a sacrificial lamb for your own divinity....
it is about taking personal responsibility for your HUMAN actions and HUMAN thoughts......
Thought systems that claim blessedness within intentional cruelty negate any personal responsibility for those cruel thoughts and actions. Being human is about personal responsibility and the lessons within intense self-honesty.
If we encourage people to behave as they wish and blame their behavior on some unseen spiritual contract that they were obliged to fulfill, and thusly bring honor to God, then we strip humanity of it's ability to learn all spiritual lessons in 3-d land.....for 3-d lessons come in the form of choice and personal responsibility.
4-d laws do not apply here and if we try to apply them, there will be hell to pay for humanity. I will not participate in creating a collective hell, for I have visited my own, and got out as soon as I knew how.
Search your own hearts. For I KNOW this has become "traditional " new thought, but I believe that in our efforts to make sense of a pain laden 3-d world, we tried to make it ok by saying that all was pre-chosen by us for us. I am not sure this ability to eliminate personal responsibility stems from love...sounds more like ego mind to me.
I realize I may be exposing myself to the world for derision here, and I am relieved by doing so.
Clearly, I am still unhealed in many ways, and I am sure some will remind me that I am resisting healing.
And you may be right.
I know me. REALLY WELL.
My heart has been so purely driven to solve this puzzle that I feel comforted with what I have been taught here. I pray that you have been blessed as well, and ultimately, that this information will honor God as He is within everything.
If I must live one more human lifetime to correct any error in my thinking then so be it (I originally was going to say another 50 human lifetimes, then the messianic nature of me kicked in and I reduced the sentence to just one).
Much love to all of you,
I could not sleep tonight. I have been wrestling with a subject that has been very uncomfortable for me. I got up and came to the computer only to find that a friend had posted this:
"Please EVERYONE send healing energy !!! I am going to add this part - and as difficult as it is for those who are going to read this - just know everything IS in DIVINE ORDER :When catastrophes like this happen it is called : Spiritual depurification in mass... it needs to happen for the Earth to balance... I know - sad to read, but it is True... everything is in Divine order !!! ♥ These brothers & sisters of ours have agreed to leave the world in this manner... I know another difficult thing to read - but again it IS Karmic Law.... Prayers are needed !!! ♥
Tsunami Alert! Over 133 dead and 400 missing in Indonesia"
This is at the very core of what I have been struggling to understand. In a world where humans work so hard to do the right thing, and grow, how can we issue forth such a seemingly cold shoulder to those who cry out in pain? As a member of the Tribe of Light, my absolute essence within my soul said "NO".
I responded to my friends wall post with this:
I understand what you are saying.
And I have been struggling with a concept someone shared with me a few days ago (and I am paraphrasing here):
S/ He said "The worst thing imaginable is a young girl, a child, being raped and
brutally murdered, here on the 3-d plane."
Yes, I agreed.
Then s/he said something that challenged me
"We all create a sacred contract as to how we will live our life and then die .....before we enter a body.
A soul that enters a body with the contract to have that body experience rape and brutal murder is blessed to have someone come and rape and murder them when seen through 4th dimensional awareness.
What a blessing then to be that rapist and murderer to help the "victim" soul fulfill it's contract."
(deep breath....exhale...continue)
In some very heady esoteric way I can almost wrap my head around this.
And it has really been bothering me......what is unhealed within me that is preventing me from rejoicing at the thought of a young child being raped and brutally murdered? Why do I not see that the person who committed those acts is a blessing to the child on the recipient end of this? What am I blocking within me to resist seeing the beauty and love within that situation?
After 3 days of agonizing self interrogation, I beleive I have some insight.
In the 4th dimension human agenda's have been purified by the loving fire of God's divine nature.
There are Universal Laws that expand and contract as we move into a higher dimension.
They expand by claiming Love as the Universal Truth, a given in that dimension, not like here in 3-d land where we have had to really work to remember and then sustain it. Universal Law contracts in the 4th dimension as there are no shadows.....only light.
When you are functioning within a Light directed and Light pervading dimension then there is no darkness or shadow. Here, souls show up with pure contracts to fill out, and we show up for each other as God to help them fulfill their contract. In the 4th dimension there is no need for killing or pain and death is obsolete. If you have karmic lessons or soul education that requires such dense experience as murder, rape, killing or torture, then you will manifest back into
3-d land for those lessons.
The light of the 4th dimension will burn away such density and darkness, so they cannot be experienced there.
We cannot apply the laws of the 4th dimension to the experiences on the 3rd dimension.
Rather, I will not apply the thoughts of accepting such things as "blessed" or "helpful" in this the 3rd dimension.
For the Laws on the 3-d plane include darkness, which has it's own job....to obscure truth from the light.
By saying that all suffering and pain in this the third dimension is deserved is cruel, and only serves to provide more darkened areas. We take the sacredness out of another's experience by saying that they were blessed to be raped, or blessed to have their child murdered. In 3-d land, that kind of thinking and a dollar will get you a free cup of coffee in prison. Those of us who work with the light here in 3-d land need to wield this kind of thinking with intense gentility. We have a responsibility to our selves and our brothers and sisters to be the Light when they are surrounded by shadow and seeming darkness. When we move into 4-d then this kind of thinking and the rules that apply can be shared without hesitation because we ALL will be vibrating at a higher frequency. Until then it only serves the darkness to sustain this kind of thinking in 3-d land. In 3-d land it is not a blessing to rape or be raped, it is not a sacred act to murder or be murdered, it is not some holy jihad for honor of God to experience devastation and tragedy from someone or something else's hand. We do not honor God or the Divine within ourselves or each other by tauting accolades towards those whose agenda is to express their rage in unloving ways.
Human Life is not about making yourself a sacrificial lamb for your own divinity....
it is about taking personal responsibility for your HUMAN actions and HUMAN thoughts......
Thought systems that claim blessedness within intentional cruelty negate any personal responsibility for those cruel thoughts and actions. Being human is about personal responsibility and the lessons within intense self-honesty.
If we encourage people to behave as they wish and blame their behavior on some unseen spiritual contract that they were obliged to fulfill, and thusly bring honor to God, then we strip humanity of it's ability to learn all spiritual lessons in 3-d land.....for 3-d lessons come in the form of choice and personal responsibility.
4-d laws do not apply here and if we try to apply them, there will be hell to pay for humanity. I will not participate in creating a collective hell, for I have visited my own, and got out as soon as I knew how.
Search your own hearts. For I KNOW this has become "traditional " new thought, but I believe that in our efforts to make sense of a pain laden 3-d world, we tried to make it ok by saying that all was pre-chosen by us for us. I am not sure this ability to eliminate personal responsibility stems from love...sounds more like ego mind to me.
I realize I may be exposing myself to the world for derision here, and I am relieved by doing so.
Clearly, I am still unhealed in many ways, and I am sure some will remind me that I am resisting healing.
And you may be right.
I know me. REALLY WELL.
My heart has been so purely driven to solve this puzzle that I feel comforted with what I have been taught here. I pray that you have been blessed as well, and ultimately, that this information will honor God as He is within everything.
If I must live one more human lifetime to correct any error in my thinking then so be it (I originally was going to say another 50 human lifetimes, then the messianic nature of me kicked in and I reduced the sentence to just one).
Much love to all of you,