Writing dedicated to the lifesong of my dear friend Ron.
Howdy my earth family!
I tremendously enjoy a good thunder storm. In particular I like the way the air smells after lightening strikes, I've heard tell that it is the smell of ozone. Whatever it is, it smells clean and feels new, and I wrap the energetic gift around me like a well-loved homemade quilt. Oh how I love to listen to the rain on the windows and the roof, and the thunder as it claims it's well-earned power. It is an entrancing symphony of sounds that carries my thoughts across rainbows and over moonbeams into a world of Spirit where We Are One and Everything Is Possible. The zap of lightening seems to instantaneously change my perspective into that of miracle thinking.....within seconds I become anew.
I have been told that lightening moves from the ground up, in spite of it's appearance. Today I was thinking about all the tools we have as spiritual beings, as there is a current of spiritual awakening moving very quickly throughout all beings. Some of the goals of spirituality include improving one's quality of life. There are many manifestation guides available, yet masses of people are not yet becoming millionaires instantaneously. The gifts of the spiritual path often require time and discipline to see the "fruit of your labours" so to speak. For me and my life, I have come to know the four principles that will like lightening, change your perspective instantaneously, taking you from the ground perspective up to the heavenly perspective in a flash of light. I speak of four ways of seeing yourself and the world around you which yield miraculous lifts to one's spirit without the time factor. I have learned that as I understand, integrate and learn to use these gifts there is an energetic movement of light from my soul to God, the Source of All that is. And in that moment I can palpably feel His/God's presence, and KNOW our unity.
The first is the gift of generousity. This term used to bring to my mind the millionaire who gives loads of money away. Generousity is not confined to those with large bank accounts. We have at our fingertips two things that when given to others, increases our own value. Love and Time.....the two things that money cannot buy. Availing yourself to the service of others turns your atttention to that of the greater good, and quickly provides you with an increase in your own self worth. Giving without agenda is a sacred act which also free's you from enslavement to your own drama and or agenda. Being generously kind just for the sake of being kind also serves as a disarming tool in the presence of less than light filled circumstances. It is liberating to give without expectation. It is also essential that we be willing to receive with genuine joy. It is a beautiful cycle to witness as holiness pours forth upon all involved.
The second is the gift of respect. For decades I believed I was responsible for the actions and decisions of those around me. So I worked very hard to manipulate those around me. I ended up pissing those around me off. Besides creating walls in my relationships, I forced myself to carry a burden that was much too great for any one person to bear. When I learned to respect the life and choices of those around me AND learned to not take their choices personally, I was freed. I had become an indentured servant to my need to control, and was never satisfied. Being responsible for just my own decisions and actions felt like a noose being removed from around my neck. It is each beings divine birthright to live as they see fit. When I focus on my own journey, everyone else seems to move in more harmony, and I feel tremendously less burdened.
The third gift is courage. Being really present for another person was something I was good at. Being really present for myself, took tremendous courage. I had to own my shit, my poor decisions, my poor choices and the collateral damage they had caused. Being brave when you have the option to be complacent without any consequences is the true test of courage. We know ourselves. We can hide our truths from others but we cannot hide our truths from ourselves. Being brave when we are alone redefines who we are, and we then see our true power, Love- which lies within our very own heart.
The fourth gift is that of wisdom. As each of the other gifts are offered up to our potential, we gain wisdom. It is here in the space of our ancestors, and our wise selves, that we see the benefit of being generous, respectful and brave. This is the space of knowing our power, and using it to benefit the greater good of all life. Our stories, our experiences, our choices all have lent us the opportunity to know and teach. Sometimes a quiet teacher is needed of us. And then again, sometimes we are to be an out-loud example of what we have come to know. Willingness to stand up for what we know is our truth is empowering beyond words. Becoming wise is hard work, staying wise is even harder. Living without wisdom though, is unbearable for me.
These are the Four Thunders that announce the downpour of Spirit's infinite abundance. The moment when the sky opens up and newness pours down, letting our feet get wet in the beauty of being. Receiving each drop of newness as a kiss of hope on our skin.
It is there, within the storm of prosperity that we dance together, knowing only each other's beauty, truth and joy. Love is the symphony we move to, and it is in this space that......................................... We Are One.
Living The FourThunders connects us beyond forever.
I See You.
With great Love and Appreciation,
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