We are born infinite Spirits in a finite experience. Why?
What can this limiting experience teach our eternal selves?
Do we learn to become indifferent to how we feel, thereby dis-empowering our experience as our teacher?
Do we embrace the fullness of our individual being and remember the gift we chose to give ourselves through this human form?
For when we are willing to feel, become and explore our humanity we then give ourselves permission to walk our Destiny.
Some wise amazing person once said
"Know yourself and you will know God."
I can attest to this fact. I know me, the feel of me, the heart of me, the mind of me, the Spirit of me, the complete experience of me and through this I came to know HIM. Not because I am the All of God, but because as a facet of Him I found His complete fractal image within the All of Me.
Being Human is a tricky path to navigate. Especially in this time when old dogma has been dissolved and there is a temptation to replace it with new dogma. It is like quitting smoking and replacing the old bad habit with a new bad habit. We became habitualized to rules.......so we find ourselves in a Spiritually liberating place where the only Rule is Loving Intent.....and we start making new codes, new laws, new regulations with which to "guide" our lives. We are extraordinarily good at taking something as simple as "Live with Loving Intent" and making it complex. I let go of the complexity of life, and surrender to the internal channel markers of my life.
I encourage each of you to do the same.
When you give yourself permission to make mistakes, you give yourself permission to finally LIVE.
I encourage EACH AND EVERYONE OF YOU to answer these questions for yourself. DO IT! This is not a test....there are no right and wrong answers.....for you are birthing you here. Approach this activity as you would approach a woman in labor...with tenderness, compassion and courage. For if you take this chance, and answer these questions you will have given birth to the YOU that is needed and loved here and now. You will be born again.
1. What do I believe? About me? About God? About others?
2. Are there parts of me that I live my life in denial of? What aspect of me have I cut off from source, the very heart of me?
3. What do I feel?
4. What am I indifferent to? What do I risk in taking a stand?
5. What emotions do I allow myself to experience? What have those emotions taught me about me?
6. What does self kindness look like and feel like to me?
7. What would it feel like if I made a mistake?
8. What would it feel like if I made a great discovery?
9. What would I experience if my heart got broken?
10. What would I feel if my love for someone caused them to feel pain?
11. How does my indecision in my life serve me? What fearful thought system in my head is supported by my willingness to be indifferent and indecisive?
12. What does self happiness look like to me?
13. What does Love look like to me? Love from others? Love from self?
14. Do I trust myself with my own life?
15. Do I trust myself to feel my feelings?
16. What do I need in order to create a safe place within and around me so that I have the freedom to feel my emotions?
17. What parts of me are waiting for permission to Live?
18. What would it feel like if someone saw all of me and didn't like it?
19. What would it feel like if someone saw all of me and Loved it?
20. How do I show myself Love?
21. How do I let myself play?
22. What is it that I can do alone that makes me happy?
23. Do I forgive myself?
24. What do I need to create within me as a space of forgiveness and healing?
25. What determines whether something is worthy of forgiveness?
If it is hard to answer these questions for yourself, then change the word "I" out and replace it with the word "others".....so often it is easier to give advice than to self-analyze. Your advice is you advising yourself. The harshness with which we judge others is merely a reflection of the harshness with which we judge ourselves, and so should go our kindness.
Being human is a call from your higher self to get deeply connected with your very essence. This is the time and the place to trust yourself to take a stand, be willing to make a mistake, learn how to forgive yourself, let freaking go and LIVE.
And yes it is that easy.
Being YOU is that easy for you. You picked you for a reason, find out why.
Pick something that you love about you and celebrate it. Pick something that you don't like about you and love it. Treat yourself with the tenderness you would extend a new lover, and you will fall in love with you.
Please stop criticizing the nuances of you, and just observe you letting go. Watch yourself as you would watch a child or a puppy at play. There is no guilt, there is only innocence. Explore the boundaries of your courage. What are you willing to fight for?
What are you willing to risk everything for? What are you willing to Love with total abandon in spite of labels and ideas and judgements? Are you willing and ready to be a fool for YOU?
When you show up for yourself, you show up as an Angel in your own life.
The new thought system enables us to not make a sudden move 'cause we don't know all the rules of this new playground, someone might be watchin, and what if we screw up?
FYI: It's new to all of us.....and I guarantee that we are all going to make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes will hurt, and sometimes those mistakes will guide, and sometimes those mistakes will be a miracle. But you will never experience the joy filled miracles until you are willing to look a fool to YOURSELF. Then realize that we are all a fool practicing being God for ourselves.......and let go into the playfulness around you. Being Human is about having fun, but you've got to be willing to risk a skinned knee or bruised emotional heart to really experience the All of Your Happiness.
Let me know if you get hurt. I will kiss your boo-boos.
It's going to be better than ok. It's going to be a close encounter with Your Loving Highest Self. And that aspect of you is drawing you back to your very own heart.
I love you.
1 comment:
Going through the whole series of questions and answering them and pondering upon thme, and reading your thoughts, after the questions, felt like you wrote this one for me.
Thank you!
peace & love
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