Hi again.
So she has been on vacation, the muse that is, and now that she has returned, the urge to write is unavoidable.
I have heard it said that the depths we experience on this human journey are comparable to the heights we can experience as well. I can understand this, as we are duality incarnate. As an author I write to convey the messages my heart yearns to share, even though I live for the moments that cannot be put into words. Oh the beauty of my duality! I have witnessed a great deal of loss in my life as of late, and the understanding of being "pruned back" to make way for new growth harkens me forward. The pain of the pruning can be more than an "ouch" experience. Honestly, it has elicited a tirade of expletives that would make a sailor blush. I have applied many metaphoric band-aids to my pruned spaces, but the pain outweighed the messages. It seemed more creative to complain with humor, than to invest my creative nature into healing and moving on. The Universe does not stop when I am emotionally and creatively moribund. It keeps moving and growing, and evolution will not wait for me to throw a temper tantrum and get over myself. Even if my own personal galaxy, The DragonCharming Laurie Galaxy, comes to a bitter halt and starts to wobble out of cosmic alignment, Life, and Destiny will prevail in spite of my digging my heels into my darkness.
It's an interesting phenomenon, the light and dark metaphor. Learning to see that the dark side of my experience is not a punishment has been tough. The earth turns, that which experiences light will soon experience darkness. It is the genuine flow of life to bring light to that which once was kept in the dark. The Universe/God does not wield this power out of malice, though that is sometimes how it feels. This power is wielded out of Love, and the opportunity for us to bring Love and Light to every facet of our being-ness. It is a harmonic capability that when embraced, yields tremendous healing and vision beyond that of our 5 senses. Yin is not the opposite of Yan. Dark is not the opposite of Light. Fear is not the opposite of Love. Despair is not the opposite of Hope. Faith is not the opposite of atheism. They are all blended musical chords that played individually will yield a simple melody. Combined together in rhythmic pattern, they will render our Life's Song as a Symphony. One begets the other, and makes way for the next and truer version of the other to come to Life/Light.
Embracing only the Joy will breed apathy, embracing Joy and Sadness will breed a commitment to living the Truth of our lives. I have learned that I cannot hold on to those experiences that are only pleasant without suffocating the life out of them. I must receive them, and then let them go, for I cannot receive the newest version of what I need with my hands still full from yesterdays lessons.
As a species, humanity is at a crossroad. Discerning The Truth from what has been our truth will determine the path we undertake now.
It is in the ebbing and flowing of life where the patterns lie, and the messages are beheld within life's mess. It is in the waxing and waning of life's mysteries where the bewitchment of continuing to live beckons us forward. Remembering the magic of who I am can seem fleeting. Thank you all for being the Magic of Life Incarnate, so that I may remember who I am. I see you, and you help me remember me.
My heart and soul embrace you.
May Seeds of Magic Enchant your soul, and beckon you forward into your own Charmed Spell of Life.
1 comment:
No crossroads in flight . . .
Kinda ready to shed some armour, though.
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