Experiences on a Mystics Journey

"Be the change you want to see in the world."


Monday, September 16, 2013

I am the mer-angel to encourage you as you choose between sinking or swimming. Not literal, see as an analogy. Sinking has it's advantages.  Letting go of any illusions of control and having faith that you will not succumb to the unknown beneath you, can free you. For you will not perish, but new life will be breathed into you. Try not to judge one option over the other, for they are your options and are only being  presented to you in symbolic fashion. Swimming can be energy depleting, yet gives one the illusion of accomplishment, in it's constant repetitive motion. Perhaps flowing with the current of your life, and losing your need to navigate so fiercely would be an option as well. Like Floating on the still water interrupted periodically by it's swells. I am merely to be your cheerleader and can help as your safety net when you need respite. 
This is our journey. We are both student and teacher, cheerleader and quarterback, nights reprieval of day. There is a reciprocity that has started, and will gently unfold.
That was the message I received last night.
Todays message:
Trusting God/the Universe always in ALL Ways. Speak these words to your entire self:
I have peace of mind and heart.
I am infused with exuberance.
Affirm these truths on all levels of your U-ness.
Romans 12:11-Do not lack in zeal.
Sizzle with enthusiasm.
There is a silence into which the world cannot intrude.
There is an ancient place you carry in your heart, and you have not lost it.
Seek it's comfort and acceptance.
Open to it's voice, and hear your Truth speak to you.
There is a Holy place within you that sin or fear has never touched.
Solace from time's commands, losing yourself into your childlike wonder.
All of this, in this moment today, you now remember.
You Are The Light Of The World
Frequency of light varies. Used by His divine nature to attract those lost in their darkness, unto Him, the eternal source of Light.
Attraction to the light is strong in those who feel it's absence, and are awake enough to notice something lacking in their physical experience of "now". Some may need just a spark of light. Others will require a burning bush. Each of you has the Light Source within, emnating as Divinely ordained.
There is no judgement in the varying of light frequencies. For darkness cannot overcome the light, on all planes. In a darkened room, there is poor if any perspective. Light a match in that darkness, and the darkness is driven away. Nothing can be hidden , and perspective can be adjusted. Stand in a lighted hall and open a door to a darkened room, the darkness cannot come streaming out and overcome the light. The Light will always Illumine that which surrounds and beholds it.
For those who are attracted but new to the light, a small spark will draw them closer. Some of you are to hold that spark and honor it, for you are the Light Greeters. Those who carry the burning bush of light are used to attract all Light Workers and those in search of an expeditious  form of enlightenment.
Do not push energy. Do not pull energy. This is the state of ALLOW. 
Allow your light to shine, no matter it's frequency. No attempts to minimize or accelerate. Being in the sacred presence of your Light, non-judgementally, gives  Spirit permission to control the fire and light energy within you.
You are a Cultural Creative being open to spirit moving in, through and around. Inherently the artist of your life.
Cultural Creatives have a bigger awareness - that our life holds necessary significance. Our life holds purpose, and this awareness cannot be destroyed. Although many have chosen to work very hard to ignore it's yearnings.
We are the Light of the World, Christ's love manifesting through us. The Spirit of the Eternal God shines through us, even when all seems dark. We are allowed to feel the darkness so we can know our ability to transform it. We can change the shape and purpose of our darkness through our intentionality. As Light Carriers we have a knowing-of being part of the healing, loving and rebirthing of this world. We grow up to our purpose in the now. Blooming into our full magnificence.
In the Beginning, Divine Mind became Itself. Jehovah- meaning the Eternal Living. This represents the masculline side of our duality. It is the offering.
Then the Holy Spirit was brought into manifestation as a silent stillness. This manifests as the feminine, receptive presence.
Creation continually pours into and through us. Through Spirit we continually give ourselves over to remebering and manifesting both offering and receiving.
How we speak, write, behave and believe exposes the intentinality of our living.
As hard as we may try, we cannot take a vacation from our Spirit. For we have always been, and will always be. Allow your life.
Do not look for problems to solve. Experience the now,with it's  gullies and mountains, as a process to be experienced. Allow the river of your life to flow effortlessly through you.
Affirmation: Divine Spirit moves around me and through me expressing I am the Light of the World.
New ideas can only come through in a field  of receptivity. Affirm: We are a receptive presence for Divine and Holy energy to manifest through.
We are the ones we've been waiting for. To be present at this time, as a sacred witness for Heaven's manifestaion on Earth.
On earth as it is in Heaven. H.O.P.E.-Heaven On Planet Earth. 
Above information is for you, and many others, but as far as the intention it was given with, it was meant initially for you-all those who seek it.
If it makes sense good. Perhaps just a planted seed.  I just do what He asks, and try not to get into His way. 
It feels to me like God is offering you something firm and sound to stand on as you create the next phase of your life. And, that we were drawn together to support and assist each other, for I am just laying the foundation of my creation of me.